Sour cream (“Smetana” in Russian) was omnipresent in the Bronx cuisine that nourished young HG. Mom and Pop grew up in Belarus so this was only natural. Huge amounts of sour cream are devoured throughout Russia (on a rough camping trip through Siberia, author Ian Frazier was astonished at the amount of Smetana his Russian companions ate). Mom served boiled potatoes with a bowl of Smetana. This was often accompanied by schmaltz or pickled herring. Schav (chilled sorrel soup) and Borscht (chilled beet soup) were topped with Smetana and eaten with the boiled potato/Smetana combo. Smetana topped bowls of raw chopped carrots, onions and radishes (summer dish); Smetana was also mixed with pot cheese, cottage cheese or farmer cheese, Dessert (or breakfast) was sliced bananas or seasonal berries topped with Smetana (and a drizzle of honey). Mom bought her Smetana from Daitch Dairy (years before it became Daitch-Shopwell). Rich and tangy stuff. Better than today’s product, but HG makes do. Dinner last night was BSK’s lush tomato/garbanzo/chicken broth soup. HG enjoyed two steaming bowls. Topped them with–guess what?–Smetana.
May 24th, 2022 § 2 comments § permalink
Restaurants From Turmoil
May 23rd, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink
Yes, revolution and geopolitical horror create American taste treats. On every level, the Vietnamese War was a disaster for America.Terrible waste of American lives and resources (And, death and destruction for Vietnamese). Food result: Banh Mi sandwiches (Baguette, pate, pickles, pork, mayo) are an American lunch treat (especially in New York and LA).. Vietnamese restaurants specializing in Pho and other good things are ubiquitous in The Land of The Free, Brave and Crazy. Postwar, the Japanese conflict and unspeakable Japanese nuclear deaths, brought Sushi to thousands of USA restaurants (and supermarkets) Only billionaires can afford the very best. When Castro overthrew Batista, many Cuban Chinese emigrated to the USA. They opened Cuban-Chinese restaurants in the United States. Favorites of HG. There used to be many. Don’t know if there are any left. HG dined on black beans and rice (“moros y cristianos”),crisp fried shrimps; avocado and orange salads; Grilled Cubano sandwiches; excellent black coffee. So, what will Ukraine bring?
Soulful Sole
May 16th, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink
If HG could be granted one final meal (just before leaving for heavenly–??–realms) it would be at Le Dome on Boulevard Montparnasse in Paris. Simple, madly expensive, superlative dining. Starter would be a dozen Gillardeau oysters (impeccably shucked, briny, served with buttered brown bread). The wine: A modest Muscadet. This would be followed by large boned filets of ultimate quality Dover Sole swimming in the best French butter with a hint of lemon juice. The wine: Sancerre. Dessert would be Berthillon ice cream. Black coffee and a snifter of Vielle Prune would be the finale before the finale. Real Dover Sole is rare in the United States. Doesn’t travel well. Surprisingly, some years ago, HG had a fine Dover Sole at a Legal Seafoods Restaurant in Boston. Never saw it on the menu again. HG discovered two Pacific Ocean sole-like treats at the venerable Tadich Grill in San Francisco: Petrale Sole and Sand Dabs. (preceded by sloe gin fizzes, of course). Sand dabs aren’t shipped to Santa Fe but Petrale Sole often makes a welcome presence at Whole Foods. HG or BSK usually fry or saute it. But, last night, influenced by a Melissa Clark NY Times recipe, BSK cooked it in the oven on a sheet pan and it rested gently on a bed of thinly sliced red peppers. There were BSK’s creative additions of olive oil, garlic, butter, herbs, dash of hot sauce. Very tasty. Not Le Dome, but gifted BSK comes close.
Great Green
May 5th, 2022 § 2 comments § permalink
New Mexico is the USA home of the very best chili, red and green. (Chilis turn from green to red as they ripen). Many fans of New Mexican cuisine order their enchiladas “Christmas”. That means the enchilada is flanked by red sauce and green sauce. HG prefers green chili. BSK relies upon green chili sauce to enliven many dishes. Last night, BSK made a lush pot of chicken in green chili sauce. (BSK’s pork green chili stew is one of HG’s favorite cold weather meals). Shakshuka, the Middle Eastern (omnipresent in Israel) egg and vegetable stew is another HG fave. BSK made a five egg version last week. HG thought it the best ever. It had a desirable level of spicy heat. You guessed it. BSK had added a healthy amount of green chilis to the stew. Dish was topped with Harissa for additional fire. (HG cooled it down with a side dish of Greek yogurt swirled with olive oil, cumin and zaatar).
Lamb Lover
April 27th, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink
Lamb or beef? HG prefers lamb. In a recent post, HG noted that BSK’s. ground lamb chili with beans (or lentils) is far better than Texas chili. Lamb chops are better than steak. Best lamb chops ever were served at New York’s. long closed Waverly Inn. Very thick and cooked medium rare with fried potatoes. BSK uses ground lamb in a host of wonderful Middle Eastern recipes. Kefta (herbaceous cigar shaped Moroccan lamb burgers) are an HG fave. BSK butterflies and marinates a leg of lamb. Broils it medium rare and serves it with Greek avgolemono sauce. Outstanding. Paris bistros serve splendid rosy cuts of lamb (gigot) with savory beans. (Beaujolais Nouveau is a nice companion). Only beef dish HG enjoys is steak tartare, A frequent lunch for HG when Blue Ribbon (German restaurant) was open and HG was a young man in Manhattan. In Paris, HG frequently consumed the dish at Le Stella brasserie. Oysters preceded. Ile Flottante concluded. Perfect meal.
BSK’s Diet Secret
April 23rd, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink
Yes, HG (after 58 years of marriage) is still in love with BSK. Yes, the heart has its own mysterious passions. But, on an objective level (HG can obtain some level of objectivity about the wondrous woman), BSK deserves every bit of HG’s admiration and romantic proclivities. Certainly, without BSK’s concentration on every aspect of HG’s health and wellbeing, the 92-year-old would long be dead. Instead, HG enjoys life, BSK’s intellectual curiosity, creativity, wit, and energy. And, cuisine, of course; a tasty (and healthy treat) every night. BSK was a beautiful child, a beautiful young woman Motherhood enhanced BSK’s looks. Now, at age 80, BSK is a mature hottie, looking decades younger. Slender. Svelte. Stylish (super chic in clothes that fit after being bought years and years ago). Yes, BSK exercises daily, walks and hikes with Toby, The Wonder Dog; moderate in eating; rarely consumes fat or sweets. However, HG knows BSK’s diet secret. On a daily basis,BSK eats peanuts, peanut butter and pickles (sometimes all three). Dessert: dry mango slices. HG will admit that genes may play a role in BSK’s perpetual radiance.
BSK (and Franey) Challenge Texas
April 19th, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink
BSK had a pound of lean ground lamb on the kitchen island in HG/BSK’s New Mexico home. BSK’s plan was to make kefta. These are Moroccan cigar shaped lamb burgers. The ground lamb is mixed with chopped onions, garlic, parsley and a host of Middle Eastern spices (cumin is foremost). BSK pan fries or oven broils them to a pink and juicy lushness. Served with pita and a yogurt sauce (Greek yogurt mixed with olive oil, lemon juice, zaatar, sumac, cumin, Spanish pimenton), you’ve got a zesty dinner. Sliced kumatos and sweet onions are the accompaniments plus lots of red wine, natch. However, BSK decided to go in another direction, a challenge to Texas chili. BSK discovered a recipe from a favorite French chef, Pierre Franey: Ground lamb with lentils chili. Ingredients: browned ground lamp, garlic, celery, crushed canned tomatoes, New Mexico chili pepper powder, chopped red peppers, jalapenos, chicken broth. Instead of lentils, BSK substituted Goya cannelini beans, Knowing that HG likes picante chili, BSK doubled up on the jalapenos. The result was a fiery, savory chili with fleeting hints of Morocco. Much better than beefy Texas chili thickened with masa flour.
Soup Supper
April 13th, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink
The word “supper” is derived from the French word for soup. And, that’s why the French often have soup (plus baguette, cheese, salad) for the evening meal. So, call it what you may, “supper” or “dinner”, HG chooses soup (plus crackers and cheese; avocado salad.) HG is blessed. BSK makes great soups and buys some splendid ones at Whole Foods. A BSK specialty is “Green Soup”. The wondrous woman boils (in chicken broth) leftover greens from the fridge (plus some broccoli,garlic and tons of herbs). Adds spices and purees it with an immersion blender. HG is looking forward to it tonight. BSK’s invention is so tasty that SJ and wife, Maiko, have put it on their izakaya restaurant, Freeman Shokudo, in Tokyo. It’s a big hit with their Japanese customers. Another BSK specialty is congee or “jook”, The rice porridge that’s a favorite throughout Asia. BSK cooks leftover rice in stock with lots of grated ginger. HG likes to add tofu, sesame oil and chili oil to a steaming bowl. The soup and congee make savory and very inexpensive meals. BSK is not only creative, BSK is thrifty.
A Fond Rodney’s Farewell Feast
April 11th, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink
Rodney’s Oyster Bar in the Yaletown neighborhood of Vancouver has been a favorite of HG/BSK ever since they first came to Vancouver. So, it was fitting that this was the place where HG/BSK joined SJ, Exquisite Maiko , Handsome (and hungry) Grownup Haru, Adorable Teru, for a farewell feast. Dined on oysters, steamed mussels, Dungeness crab. Perfect dark beer and dry white wine. (HG indulged in dessert: Sticky Toffee Bread Pudding). As usual, everything at Rodney’s was superlative;. But, it had a bittersweet overtone. That’s because SJ and family left the next morning for the almost 10 hour flight back to their Tokyo home and their izakaya restaurant, Freeman Shokudo. It has been a glorious two week family reunion. HG/BSK’s Gifted Daughter Lesley R. joined the reunion for a brief three days. HG’s daughter Victoria and husband Marc Meyer intended to come to the reunion but a Victoria bike accident prevented it (thankfully, she’s healed). SJ’s lifelong pal, Jon Small, and son, Elijah, made appearances, however. (Elijah seems to have inherited the Small family musical talents). Yes, it was sheer heaven for HG//BSK to spend time with the Tokyo family. Much fun, laughter, food (smoothies by Teru and home cooking by SJ and BSK). Been too long that the whole family has been together. However, there’s a possibility for another reunion this summer on Prince Edward Island. (Hopefully).
More Greek
April 5th, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink
HG has always enjoyed Greek food. In younger days, financially challenged HG often ate at Poseidon Restaurant on 8th Avenue in Manhattan. Usual meal was avgolemono soup with rice, spinach pie and retsina wine. Total cost (with tip): $1.50 (this was in the late 40’s and early 50’s). Restaurant is long closed but the long running Greek bakery, Poseidon, still flourishes on Ninth Avenue. HG was a frequent customer for baklava when living on the Upper West Side and Montclair, N.J. In later years there was a good Greek eatery on the street next to the Midtown Bus Terminal. HG ate there often in the 1960’s when commuting to a summer home in New Paltz, N.Y. Once, Mel Brooks and pals sat down at an adjacent table while HG was enjoying Moussaka. It was the 60’s and HG had very long hair. Brooks decided that HG was Boris Thomashefsky, a star of the Yiddish theater. HG acknowledged he was the son of the actor and was continuing the theatrical tradition. Hilarious Yiddish conversation with Brooks. (Ah, if only HG had a recording).