HG/BSK are living in HG/BSK’s spacious Central Falls, RI. loft. Not fully unpacked yet and plumber, carpenter, electrician, handyman are on their way to do serious work. So, things are in a bit of a jumble. But, BSK is resourceful. Living room is arranged. The HG office is functional. Dining room is set. Most of the dishes are put away in a hutch and kitchen storage drawers. Kitchen is splendid. One night there were thick grilled swordfish steaks topped with anchovy butter. Accompaniments were garlicky baby spinach and boiled potatoes with sour cream. Splendid eating. The next night plump shrimp (from Tony’s Seafood–as was the swordfish) nestled in creamy chopped spinach grits and topped with perfect fried eggs. BSK has not lost the creativity and flair that mark BSK cuisine. Yums!! In BSK’s opinion, the best thing about the loft is the vast king size bed in the large bedroom. Super comfy. And, at last, the size enables BSK to have a full night of slumber.
Loft Living
November 21st, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink
Spicy Surprise
November 19th, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink
The brand is “House Foods”. The product–Mabo Tofu Sauce–is made in Japan. HG was unaware of it but found it while surfing the internet. A fabulous product. HG heated the sauce. Filled the bowl with chunks of silken tofu. Poured a cup of Earl Grey tea. These were the ingredients of a warming, delightful lunch. HG chose a “Medium Hot” flavor. A good amount of heat but next time HG will try “Hot.” For a more abundant meal, add browned ground pork. And, for a very full tummy, add cooked rice noodles. As followers of HG know, the sauce highlights HG’s favorite Chinese restaurant dish of “Mapo Tofu.” Anyway, “Mapo” or the Japanese spelling, “Mabo”, it’s splendid–and makes a quick and easy meal that always satisfies.
More R&D Pleasure
November 16th, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink
The generous Russ & Daughters HG (93) birthday gift from Tokyo based son Jeremy and his family keeps on tickling HG’s taste buds. Tonight, BSK made HG a generous dish of softly scrambled eggs with R. & D. smoked salmon. Better than any of the egg and smoked fish dishes at Barney Greengrass, the great smoked fish emporium on Manhattan’s Upper West Side (it was the favorite breakfast venue for the late writer, Philip Roth (HG is chagrined that he never got a well deserved Nobel Prize for Literature). Cozy in Lesley and Massimo’s Riverside, RI home,the dinner good things kept coming. (Lesley R. is HG/BSK’s daughter and Profesore Massimo R. is Lesley’s husband). There was a spicy lentil salad and very flavorful chunks of pan roasted squash. HG/BSK spent the day at their new loft home unpacking (BSK did 99% of the work). BSK is unbelievable. Working non stop for many weeks (in New Mexico and Central Falls,RI, BSK has made the loft liveable. Hey, give Lesley R. some kudos. As expected, she’s been a great help.
Noo Yawk Joy (via Tokyo)
November 15th, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink
Two nights of nostalgic culinary delights from New York’s venerable Russ & Daughters. This was the HG birthday gift from HG/BSK’s Tokyo based family (Son Jeremy; his wife, Maiko, and their children–son Haru, Daughter Teru). All the Noo Yawk treats were in the perfectly packed box: Nova Scotia smoked salmon. Sable. Herring in mustard sauce. Whitefish salad. Two tubs of cream cheese. Red salmon caviar. Bialys, bagels, rye bread. And a dessert treat–rugelach. First night was a smoked fish festival with gently warmed breadstuffs (warmed bialys covered with copious mounds of cream cheese were a special treat for Mr. 93). All was warm and cozy in the Riverside, RI. home of gifted daughter, Lesley R., and her brilliant husband, Profesore Massimo R. On the next night Lesley made superb blini. They were fabulous, covered in salmon caviar with a bit of chopped onion and sour cream. (They were also a delight topped with smoked salmon or sable). Black and Tans (cold beer mixed half and half with Guinness Stout) and white wine were drunk with gusto. Rugelach and red wine was part of the dessert parade. A zillion thanks, Tokyo guys (sad you weren’t here to join in the fressing fun).
Rhody Changes
November 13th, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink
Many changes for HG/BSK in Rhode Island, Yes, HG/BSK now own a spacious loft in the Central Falls neighborhood of Providence (closing was Nov. 7). As always, BSK is in charge of the arduous move in. There’s construction of closets and unpacking the 209 (yes, that’s the astounding number) boxes of furniture, etc. that will be delivered from New Mexico. There are kitchen modifications. Hanging pendant lights. Arranging internet and TV access. Installing a steam shower. Building bookcases in HG’s spacious office. And, more. Much more. And, the weather has changed. Yesterday was summer sultry and today it’s cold and windy (though much sunshine) with the intimation of winter ahead. HG/BSK agree that the 3,200 square loft will be ready for occupancy sometime in December. (hopefully, there will be Christmas celebrations there). What does not change is the continual thoughtful care gifted daughter Lesley R. and husband, Profesore Massimo R. give old HG. And, the cuisine in their Riverside home (it looks over the waters and sunsets of Narragansett Bay/Providence River) remains comforting and delicious. Last night, the main dish was a lush clam and cod stew served over a thick slice of garlic rubbed baguette. Perfect on a warm autumn night. Another culinary highlight from Lesley. Earlier in the week, BSK made a silky and spicy red lentil soup/stew. Lush. There are appetizers, of course. Among them: Charcuterie from a local Italian merchant. Chilled oysters shucked meticulously by Massimo. Smoked bluefish. Juicy shrimp with sauce. Best starter is Lesley’s spectacular sea scallop ceviche. Dinners end with a cheese course (Gorgonzola stars), fig jam and red wine. During terrible times (as the late Gerald Murphy put it) “Living well is the best revenge.”
November 12th, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink
November 9, 2022—HG’s birthday. 93. Wow, HG never believed that such an age would be reached. Fingers crossed, greedy HG wants more. And, why not since HG has the best loving and supportive family? With the love of HG’s life, BSK, in the lead, the family brings intellectual, health, culinary joys to HG every day. (Loud barking Toby, The Wonder Dog, adds another element of pleasure). Birthday dinner was epic. Gifted daughter Lesley R. and husband, Profesore Massimo R., ordered a lavish feast from Haruki, an outstanding Japanese restaurant in Providence. Massimo warmed their Riverside, RI, home with a wood stove blaze. The food? This was the best sushi and sashimi HG tasted since HG’s New York/New Jersey years. Tuna, Salmon, Yellow Tail, Uni. Lots of Unagi (an HG passion). All was accompanied with chilled Prosecco. Many toasts and lovely emails and phone calls from daughter, Victoria Freeman, and granddaughters Sofia and Arianna. Plus kind messages from friends. As if this wasn’t enough, the next morning a box of smoked fish, herring, caviar, cheese, breads, etc. from New York’s venerable Russ & Daughters arrived, a generous gift from the Tokyo family contingent—son Jeremy, his wife, Maiko, and their children, Haru and Teru (miss them all). This means the birthday celebration will continue for some days. There were presents. BSK ordered an Alexa for the loft where we will live (unpacking is going on while HG writes). And, when HG/BSK move in HG/BSK will celebrate with caviar and Prosecco. The caviar, real Sevruga, is a housewarming gift from Lesley and Massimo. Fabulous!!
Savory Stew
November 10th, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink
Riverside, RI, nights are getting chilly as the calendar moves toward the Thanksgiving celebration. HG/BSK are cozy in gifted daughter Lesley R. and brilliant husband, Profesore Massimo R.’s home (Massimo is assiduous in tending the log burning stove). Lesley is expert at beating the chill with tasty and warming stews and soups. Dinner last night was a stew of chorizo, kale, onions, garlic and spices. Lesley, Massimo, BSK ate heartily of this Spanish/Portuguese influenced dish. Thoughtful Lesley, knowing that HG’s swallowing is impaired, pureed some of the ingredients, poured them over. orzo, hit the bowl with a splash of olive oil and some drops of hot sauce, and provided HG with a lush (and edible) dinner. Added benefit for HG. There was enough left over for a happy lunch the next day as the weather turned grey and cloudy. Dish was a burst of sunshine.
BSK is Back In Rhody! Happy HG and Toby
November 6th, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink
Oh, much joy !! BSK has arrived in the Riverside, Rhode Island home of gifted daughter Lesley R. and her husband, Profesore Massimo R. The Wonder Woman is decompressing after a month of long days expediting HG/BSK’s move to a spacious loft in Providence’s Central Falls area (closing the purchase next Monday). Once more, HG finds the love of HG’s life more beautiful than ever. And, super chic (scarf arrangements top those of Parisiennes). HG’s joy was matched by that of Toby,The Wonder Dog. A warm reunion and serene sleep at the foot of HG/BSK’s guest room bed. Celebratory homecoming dinner featured local oysters (perfectly shucked by Massimo), swordfish, tasty side dishes and Cava sparkling wine. HG’s life is complete with BSK, HG’s wife of 59 years is back in HG’s presence. Still in love with the wondrous woman.
Chinese Feast. Hooray!
November 4th, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink
HG is a dedicated fan of Chinese food and has been since he was 10 years old (or younger). That’s 83 years of lo mein, chili oil, fermented black beans and every variety of seafood, pork and stir fries. When HG/BSK lived in the Northeast HG/BSK dined often in Chinatown, the upper west side and Clifton, NJ. (Yes, Clifton had a splendid Chinese restaurant –might still be there–and HG dined there often when HG/BSK’s public relations firm was headquartered in Clifton). But, for many years good Chinese food was rare (except for New York trips and Vancouver, BC, part time residence in a spacious loft). HG/BSK resided for many years in Santa Fe and Prince Edward Island, neither a source for Chinese food but wonderful places to live. PEI will remain a constant in the lives of HG/BSK and family but the Santa Fe compound has been sold. HG/BSK’s new residence is a fabulous 3,200 square foot loft in the Central Falls area of Providence, RI. (move in date is mid-November). Meanwhile, HG is living the good life in Riverside, RI, being taken care of with love and efficiency by gifted daughter, Lesley R. and her brilliant husband, Professor Massimo R. Knowing of HG’s Chinese food famine, Massimo ordered a super abundant feast from Cheng Du, a very good Chinese restaurant in North Providence. Lucky HG is happy to be residing in Providence, a city with many very good Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indian and other Asian restaurants. In addition, close to HG/BSK’s new loft is Good Fortune Market. This emporium is huge and carries a starting variety of Asian foods—packaged and frozen. HG/BSK are looking forward to Sunday at home dim sum delights including har gow, shu mai, shrimp and pork dumplings, and fresh egg tarts. (An HG fantasy turned into reality). Tonight’s Cheng Du feast included two varieties of Szechuan fish, duck stir fry, wonton in chili oil, home style tofu, steamed eggplant in garlic sauce; prawns and vegetables; pea shoots, string beans, hot and sour soup–and more, much more. Everything was delicious, up to the best New York Chinatown standards. Hey, Rhody has food that isn’t Asian: Great oysters, fish, clams, squid, lobsters, etc. Plus Del’s Lemonade and New York System hot dogs. The smallest state is a food heaven.
Japanese Curry
November 3rd, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink
Japanese are very fond of curry. Packages of curry mix are found on the pantry shelves of most Japanese homes. HG/BSK were introduced to Jpanese curry by SJ’s wife, Maiko Sakamoto, a beautiful and gifted chef (partner with SJ in Freeman Shokudo, a Tokyo izakaya specializing in Brooklyn barbecue including pastrami). HG recalls Maiko’s Japanese curry enveloping tender sliced chicken. The sauce was thick and lush. Last night’s Riverside, RI, dinner was ground pork and sweet potato curry. Lesley thinned the curry with a bit of dashi broth. Served over rice and accompanied by local beer and a tangy chutney, it was another memorable repast orchestrated by gifted daughter, Lesley R. BSK will be back in Rhody in a few days. Much anticipation. Presume BSK will assist Lesley in the kitchen. Happy times ahead as HG is reunited with the love of his life.