Salmon Splendor

July 11th, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink

BSK bought two thick salmon filets at Julio’s Seafood in St. Peters (Few minutes drive from HG/BSK’s Prince Edward Island oceanfront home). No, the salmon wasn’t wild–farm raised in Nova Scotia. Fresh and flavorful. HG likes salmon cooked medium rare. (It continues cooking after being removed from the pan). Last night BSK dazzled HG with salmon gently cooked to silky, juicy perfection. Translucent. The fish was smothered in BSK’s sorrel sauce. Yummalicious!! Better yet, the dish contained sauteed fennel slices and half a roasted sweet potato (Fabulous with HG’s exuberant amount of butter and sea salt). HG drank much BSK-selected pinot noir and contemplated good fortune. BSK, the love of HG”s life, is a very talented cook and sommelier. (BSK’s skills, abilities and capacity for loving care are boundless).

More Hangouts

July 10th, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink

HG left out a few places from a recent post regarding literary hang outs. Time to rectify. First off, Harold’s Show Spot was a theater hangout. Ben Gazzara, Anthony Franciosa, Shelley Winters, Mike Gazzo and  many others were regulars at this theater district fixture. (The late Mike Gazzo was a playwright, director, acting teacher and actør. He was Frankie Petanagelli,mobster and noble suicide, in “Godfather Two”.) BSK was going to star in an unproduced Gazzo play.  It was going to be funded by a real estate developer pal of HG. A marital mishap caused him to withdraw. (BSK lost her stardom possibility and the developer became a multi billionaire–he owned Miami Beach’s Fontainebleau Hotel for some years). Harold’s was a raucous joint. When  Shelley Winters came in she was greeted by shouts of “Shoiley!!!” (This was Brooklynese for her real name–“Shirley”.) The actors suggested obscene sexual acts with her. Unperturbed, Shelley responded in kind. Cedar Tavern (University Place-Greenwich Village) was the hangout for Larry Rivers and abstract expressionists. Loud and rowdy guys who were rude to women. But, not to five year old daughter, Victoria Freeman (Now an important New York restaurateur). On Saturday walks, HG parked little Vicki on the bar while HG sipped dry Martinis. The artists fed Vicki potato chips (or popcorn) accompanied by orange juice. Grown up Vicki (with a partner and Vicki’s husband, Marc Meyer) owns five New York restaurants—Cookshop, Rosie’s, Vic’s , Shuka and Shukette.  Try them. Food and service are great. The White Horse Tavern (edge of Greenwich Village) was favored by hard drinking poets like Dylan Thomas, Delmore Schwartz—and many others, famous and obscure. Dylan Thomas left there  one night (very drunk) on his way to the nearby Hotel Chelsea. Sadly, he died when he got there.   


July 7th, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink

HG is very fond of omelets. HG first  discovered their deliciousness in HG’s initial visit to Paris many, many decades ago. Portrait of pleasure: HG seated at a Left Bank cafe. On the table is a two or three egg omelet (“Baveuse”, runny, as requested.) Fresh baguette and sweet butter. Wedge of ripe camembert or brie. Red wine. Visual pleasure of intellectual Frenchmen and elegant Parisiennes. (Creative scarf arrangements). In New York, HG often dined at omelet specialist (Long closed) Romaine de Lyon. HG has written about it and mentioned it was a favorite of Mel Brooks and the late Anne Bancrioft. (Check HG archive). BSK delights HG with BSK’s perfect omelets (Served for dinner at HG/BSK’s oceanfront home on Prince Edward Island and spacious loft in Central Falls, RI.) BSK enhanced HG’s PEI omelet last night with a Mexican side dish of sauteed zucchini, onions, garlic, etc. Zesty eating—BSK saved some of the mix and folded it into BSK’s hearty breakfast omelet.  Eggcellent, indeed!!

HG Wants More

July 4th, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink

Sunday (July 2) was the 60 year marriage anniversary of HG/BSK. On a steamy New York summer day in 1963, Judge George Postel officiated at the marriage of HG/BSK. (The luckiest day of HG’s life). HG/BSK marked the long ago event with a leisurely lunch  at Clamdiggers Restaurant in Cardigan, Prince Edward Island (A short drive from HG/BSK’s oceanfront home). Good food and drink and lovely views of Cardigan harbor (Once a shipbuilding site). HG/BSK shared a starter of crab cakes with PEI mustard pickles. Main dish for BSK was a lobster roll and French fries. For HG: Pan seared scallops and mashed potatoes. The drink was locally brewed Gahan Island Red Ale (This was perfectly poured and is the best ale/beer in the world). Dessert was bread pudding  in caramel sauce and copious amounts of whipped cream (An HG request). HG/BSK clinked glasses and toasted a long, happy marriage that has produced extraordinary children and grandchildren. HG expressed a wish to have more years with wondrous BSK, the love of HG’s life. HG is now 93 and owes the longevity to BSK’s unceasing loving care.

Wonder Dog

June 29th, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink

HG/BSK have a delightful furry and frisky member of the HG/BSK family.  Cute mixed breed male, Toby is always referred to by HG as “Toby, The Wonder Dog.”  And, pray tell, what makes Toby wondrous? HG is an old (93) rickety fellow. Yes, HG walks (mostly without a cane or walker). It often appears there’s the possibility of a fall . Not too likely since HG has had two tumbles in the last ten years. But, Toby is alert. If there’s a noise (dropped book, cane, nebulizer) Toby is at HG’s side in a flash barking loudly to summon help. Toby is so smart that if he thinks HG is shaky, he’s at HG’s side barking away. He’s HG’s trusty guardian. Top flight watchdog. If anyone approaches HG/BSK’s homes (Prince Edward Island and Rhode Island) he barks loudly and this alerts HG//BSK (Big bark from a little guy and this often scares delivery persons, workmen and friendly visitors). At bedtime, Toby sleeps at  the foot of HG/BSK’s bed. He does some nocturnal wandering but usually winds up there. Toby is fond of HG but he loves, loves, loves BSK. He can’t get enough snuggles and pats from BSK as BSK murmurs “Good dog. Best little dog.” No need for an alarm clock. Between 8 and 8:30 Toby wakes up his beloved with affectionate licks. Given all of the wondrous Toby qualities HG has outlined in this post, one must agree that he deserves the label: ” The Wonder Dog.”

Veggie Pleasure

June 28th, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink

HG/BSK had a dinner guest last night—beautiful Leslie French (She lives in Toronto but has spent summers for many years in her small house. just east of HG/BSK’s Prince Edward Island oceanfront home). Plentiful fresh vegetables in the fridge so BSK made a healthy and tasty pasta dish–al dente penne plus zucchini, cherry tomatoes, onions, scallions, garlic, olive oil, herbs. Plus cheese: Mozzarella, feta, parmesan. BSK fried some thick cut bacon.  Crumbled the  crisp slices and added them to the penne dish. A nice touch. HG sipped HG’s pre-dinner Negroni while the women joined HG with glasses of chilled Rose’. (Good Pinot Noir with the food). BSK made a sumptuous dessert for BSK and the lovely guest: Vanilla ice cream topped with fresh raspberries and a splash of maple syrup. HG had HG’s usual: Clement Faugier Vanilla Chestnut Puree with whipped cream (A taste memory of London’s Gay Hussar restaurant). HG nightcap: A worthy whiskey–Forty Creek– from Ontario’s Niagara district. O, Canada!!!

Lobster Omission

June 28th, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink

HG/BSK had a delicious dinner at Ocean Mist Farm, the verdant, fruit and vegetable abundant farm (near Panmure Island in Prince Edward Island) of BSK’s sister and brother in law, Noel and Yossi M. Big, juicy local lobsters were on the table plus potato salad and coleslaw (A BSK contribution). First of the lobster harvesting season and they were delicious. Strange omission. HG did a recent post about the  great variety of fresh seafood available at Julio’s Fish Mart on PEI and Tony’s Fish store in Providence ,RI  (It’s a quick drive from HG/BSK’s spacious Central Falls, RI, loft.). Didn’t mention lobster. Lots of tasty lobster.–live and cooked–at both sites. Prices are a fraction of New York. Hand me the lobster cracker and other utensils!!! Don’t neglect the melted butter!!

Where Journalists, etc., Ate in NYC

June 22nd, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink

HG was very fond of the New York restaurants that catered to specific creative types: financial big shots, dreamy poets, etc.  Artists & Writers on W.41 St. was the place for journalists from the Times, Trib, Newsweek, Business Week (All nearby). They all played the “match game” (HG forgets the rules of this obscure bar game). Food was good. HG relished Koenigsberger Klops, meatballs in a dill sauce. The Russian Tea Room was for ballet impresarios, agents, producers, and classical musicians. The blini with red caviar, melted butter and sour cream was stupendous. Advertising executives (Madmen days) favored Christ Cella steak house in the East 40’s. HG joined them for the incomparable steaks (Best ever!!). Ad industry went to Michael’s bar in the East 50’s (As did HG) for after work oversized killer Martinis. Sardi’s in the theater district was for stage luminaries. HG often lunched on their fabulous lamb chops with kidneys. Actors and members of the chorus ate at two theater district restaurants founded by Joe Allen (1933-2019): Orso was Italian. Pappardelle in mushroom sauce was an HG favorite. The other restaurant, eponymous Joe Allen, featured hearty American dishes. Calf’s liver with onions and bacon and chile con carne were HG faves. Real estate titans met for lunch at a private club high up in the Lincoln Building/60 E. 42nd). The food wasn’t memorable. Tycoons of finance, publishing, and law ate at The Four Seasons, not at the scenic Pool Room (For tourists) but in a cluster of plain tables next to the bar. As expected, the food (And wine) were glorious. HG often had perfect fried smelts there.


June 21st, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink

Chowder (or “Chowda”–as it’s pronounced in New England, Prince Edward Island and Canada’s Maritime Provinces: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador–is a hearty, comforting dinner in chilly weather. HG despises “New  England Clam Chowder.” Clams are buried under cream (or milk) plus too many potatoes. Often, flour (Feh!!) is added to thicken the chowder. The sea flavor is lost. On a trip to Nantucket many years ago, famished HG ordered the New England chowder (Only chowder on the menu). HG received a bowl of hot water thickened  with more than a cup of flour. A Few bits of rubbery clam topped the mess. One taste sent HG into a fury. HG threw the bowl on the floor and shouted: “This isn’t chowder!! This is shit!!” HG stormed out of the eatery leaving abashed BSK and HG/BSK’s kids to deal with the manager (and the table of offended nuns).  HG isn’t fond of Manhattan clam chowder–tastes like tomato soup burying clams. Warm day on PEI turned chilly. Time for Chowda. BSK made a fabulous Chowda using fresh haddock instead of clams. BSK fried thick cut bacon to a crisp. Removed it from the pan. Sauteed onion, garlic, fennel in olive oil at the bottom of a soup pot. Added boiling chicken stock (Fish stock wasn’t available. Didn’t matter). Lowered heat and added haddock filets. Before fish was done, added the crisp bacon and an abundance of chopped cilantro. A few cherry tomatoes for color. BSK scored again. Innovative, superlative fish Chowda.

Beaujolais Nouveau

June 19th, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink

HG/BSK were vacationing in Paris many years ago when HG/BSK observed much shouting, singing and happy, raucous wine drinking at Paris cafes and bistros. Curious, HG/BSK learned that it was a celebration of the arrival of Beaujolais Nouveau, a very young, fruity red wine that can be drunk copiously (Tipsiness is a result). It is a good times drink and a favorite of moderate BSK and decidedly immoderate HG. Since that first taste years ago, HG has ordered cases when it reaches the USA.  It’s a nice accompaniment to any type of food (It should be served slightly chilled). It was the wine HG drank in New York during the 60’s, 70’s, 80′ at HG’s favorite lunch spot–the venerable Veau d’ Or restaurant located in the midtown east side. Meal started with an amuse gueule of cold mussels in a mustard sauce. Then, a pastry wrapped grilled sausage and potato salad (Hot mustard and vinegary cornichons). Main dish was sauteed calf brains in brown butter (First had this dish, a fave, when HG first tasted Beaujolais in a Paris bistro). No dessert.  The generous restaurant owner liked that HG ate with gusto and praised the cuisine. He kept filling HG’s glass with the wondrous Nouveau (Had at least six filled to the brim large wine glasses). Was charged for one glass. Those were the days. (HG managed to get back to the office for an afternoon of demanding work).

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