The majority of HG’s therapy — following his calamitous tumble — involves life’s necessary and mundane functions. This included walking to the bathroom. Sitting on the toilet. Washing and drying. Getting dressed. As HG’s broken hip heals, all of this demands attention and adroit movement by the old fellow. The goal, of course, is to get HG home and less reliant on continuous aid from BSK. HG is impressed by the Warren, RI, therapists. Very attentive and professional. Lisa and Amy, in particular, are very good.
Necessary Therapy
October 25th, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink
Sunshine Thursday
October 21st, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink
The happiest day for HG after 2 months of indoor hospital and therapy center living. Day started with a delicious smoothie breakfast (Thanks, BSK). Gifted daughter Lesley R. and BSK arrived at 11AM to wheel HG outside to a pleasant shrub lined leisure area. The sun was shining and there was a light, cool breeze. This was the first time HG had been outside since HG’s broken hip fiasco. Heaven!! BSK wheeled HG to give HG maximum sunshine exposure. HG basked and breathed deeply. HG and Lesley and BSK were outside for a demanding challenge. Could HG get into a car to take HG home or did there have to be an ambulance? Discharge is about a week away. (When HG left PEI for Rhody after the accident, there were painful maneuvers to get HG into a car seat). This time, with no help, HG got into and out of the car easily. Repeated the actiôns. BSK and Lesley were surprised and overjoyed. Pleasures of the day continued. Spicy therapy-center-provided penne in meat sauce for lunch followed by peach yogurt. Dinner was egg salad and hummus. Both splendid. As HG writes this post, HG awaits a Biden oval office speech and then an NFL game. Exciting.
Happy Day
October 19th, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink
Sound, painless night’s sleep. Awakening to a delicious breakfast smoothie (Thanks, glorious BSK). Food at the Warren, RI, therapy center has been hospital tasteless. But, not today’s lunch. Very edible and flavorful penne with meat sauce and a mound of cooked vegetables. All was cooked in a way that HG could swallow easily. Pleasant lemon meringue piê for dessert. HG was tired of Gaza and Republican House Speaker madness. Instead, turned the TV to comedy and watched hours of “Seinfeld” episodes. Curiously, HG had never watched the series. Comfy in his wheelchair, HG laughed loudly at Seinfeld and his brilliant colleagues (Probably the best comedy acting ensemble ever assembled). Dinner was tasty egg salad with a dessert of maple syrup enriched yogurt. Watched the Cowboys (a favorite team) beat the Chargers. Nice climax to a joyous Monday.
The Wonder Dog
October 16th, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink
Much joy in HG’s therapy room. BSK brought Toby, The Wonder Dog, for a visit. Recently groomed, Toby looked quite soigne with a fluffy fur pom-pom at the end of his tail. HG and Toby had an affectionate reunion. Many licks from Toby and the agile little fellow leapt into HG’s lap for cuddles. BSK, as usual, brought HG something very good to eat. HG thinks it was a chicken broth/rice/noodle soup. HG will check. Meanwhile, the Warren, RI, therapy center is well stocked with BSK good things—a smoothie, mac and cheese, Greek yogurt (plus maple syrup), soup. The love of HG’s life always pleases HG’s palate.
October 13th, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink
After three weeks in hospitals and therapy centers, HG has this sage advice: Don’t get old. However, if you do get old: DON’T FALL. HG’s Prince Edward Island tumble resulted in two surgeries, lots of pain and an inability to walk. Much improvement. Light at end of tunnel. BSK keeps HG nourished (løbster bisque, mac and cheese, yogurt for today’s breakfast/lunch/dinner). There will soon be an appraisal of HG’s condition and speculation about when HG can get home. HG is modestly optimistic.
October 10th, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink
BSK visited HG this morning at the Warren, RI, therapy center—looking very chic after haircut and usual quietly elegant outfit. BSK did not come empty handed. HG is chilly without a scarf so BSK gifted the old guy with a cozy, plaid, made in India scarf. Comfy. Sweet things included salt caramel Panna Cotta, tapiôca pudding, breakfast smoothie. Savory soups—-Lobster Bisque and Tomato Parmesan from Whole Foods. A broken hip is no joy But, BSK does everything in BSK’s power to bring culinary and other smiles to HG.
Happy Day
October 10th, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink
Long walking session (with a walker) during morning therapy. Therapists praised HG for his efforts and, at last, HG can see some true progress. No jogging or running but HG anticipates slow, very slow, strolling in a few weeks. Watched the always exciting Texas-Oklahoma football fracas today. The Sooners had a last second win. Texas folded in the last two minutes. HG mused about HG’s passion for matzo balls. Lo and behold!! Gifted daughter Lesley R. brought HG a big bowl of matzo ball soup for dinner. Soft, flavorful food. Yes, wishes can come true.
October 8th, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink
Things are looking up for the crippled geezer. After a failed Canadian hip surgery, HG returned to Rhode Island for a second surgery. After going under the knife HG landed at rehab center in Warren, RI. The therapy seems to be working. Progress comes in small increments, of course,but HG sees light at the end of the tunnel. Might be home and semi normal within two weeks (hopefully). Happy news. Donald Kitchen (and wife Susan) will be in Rhode Island this month visiting their granddaughter. Donald was HG’s brilliant professional colleague for many years at Gerald Freeman, Inc. as was the other valued colleague, Bruce Maguire. Both went on to big time careers heading their own PR firms after HG retired from the business 37 years ago. Miss them both and hope we see Kitchen during his trip. Would be a delight.
Super Nurse, Cook and More
October 3rd, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink
Fractured hip recuperation is a difficult and painful time for HG. The simplest thing is a mighty challenge. Fortunately, HG’s wife BSK is a great nurse. BSK does everything possible to ease HG’s plight. BSK washes, showers, dresses the old guy. BSK gets HG into bed, helps HG to stand up, and sit down. The amount of things BSK does for BSK is staggering. Not surprising that BSK is exhausted at the end of the day. BSK does all of the financial and household management chores in addition. And, BSK cooks. Great comforting food with an emphasis on protein. Korean “Fire Chicken”, Israeli shakshuka are some recent taste tinglers. HG/BSK celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary this summer. We’ve had great times. This is a tough time but hopeful we’ll get through it.
September 25th, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink
For some odd reason, HG did not eat Hummus, the middle eastern treat of pureed chickpeas, lemon juice and spices. Gifted daughter Lesley R. has turned that around — she has been serving HG Hummus for lunch and dinner appetizer with a mound of Baba Ganoush, the yummy middle eastern eggplant good stuff. Last night, HG watched BSK and Lesley eat a substantial meal of shrimp with quinoa. BSK was allergic to crustaceans for a number of years. The love of HG’s life is making up for the loss by gobbling shrimp galore. HG followed HG’s appetizer with Lesley’s incomparable soft scrambled eggs with goat cheese and butter. Two modest glasses of red wine. Delight.