Peanut Brittle Passion

November 24th, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink

HG has always been very fond of peanut brittle. Many Bronx “Candy Stores” sold the good stuff. Young HG ate a lot. Cheap. Tasty. HG’s peanut brittle noshing has become more sophisticated through the years. HG is happy to report that at age 94, HG’s peanut brittle passion is as vibrant and lusty as ever. And–HG has discovered the ulimate peanut brittle—the brand is Brittle Brothers. The Brothers are the champions of the brittle world.  Their product: Not too sweet and super generous amount of peanuts. Yes, the peanut/brittle ratio is life enhancing. HG chomps away at this taste marvel accompanied by glasses of fruity red wine. This is the happy climax to BSK’s creatively crafted dinners. Brilltle Brothers makes equally wonderful Pecan Brittle and Cashew Brittle (Also. Bacon Brittle. HG will pass). Today, HG bought some pricey Virginia Diner chocolate covered peanut brittle. HG wants to discover if this is “gilding the lily”.

Pasta Favorite

November 23rd, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink

Last night, BSK cooked HG’s favorite pasta dish–cauliflower with fettuccine. It was so good, HG ate a big bowl for dinner and a more moderate dish for lunch the next day. The secret to the lushness is BSK’s attention to detail. BSK blanches the cauliflower and then chops much of it while leaving plenty of florets whole and firm. The sauce is composed of Amish blue cheese, olive oil, anchovies,garlic, shallots, parsley and a robust splash of chicken stock. The cauliflower is cooked in the sauce–creating a nice blend of silkiness, sharpness (The blue cheese) and textures–the variations between the chopped cauliflower and the florets. BSK mixes some succulent cherry tomatoes with the pasta for a vegetal note. Hearty sprinkles of parmesan and much ground pepper. Red wine to accompany. Much delight in savory eating and drinking.

Short Rib Double Header

November 17th, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink

Short Ribs are a BSK favorite so BSK braised a generous amount in red wine, garlic, herbs, etc. for two nights of lavish eating. There was lots of savory gravy and good bread for dunking. BSK served the ribs over pappardelle with a side of fine chopped baby spinach. The spinach was tasty but the pasta was unwieldy and hard to handle. The next night, BSK substituted buttery little boiled potatoes. Good choice to accompany a braise or stew. The spinach, again, was splendid. BSK enhanced the gravy with some pungent Russian mustard. The second half of the doubleheader (The Nightcap) was great. Yes, always better the second day or night. 

Italian Corner

November 13th, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink

 Italian Corner on 10 Boyd St. in Seekonk, Ma., is a culinary Italian food masterpiece, as good as the emporiums on New York’s Lower East Side and The Bronx’s Belmont neighborhood (Arthur Avenue). It’s a delicatessen\ grocery\ purveyor of hot meals\soups\salads….and more, much more. The variety of foods is encyclopedic—the tastes are down home savory. It’s HG’s favorite hangout in Rhode Island. (Hemenway’s in Providence is another favorite–great for oysters and their Paris style Fruits de Mer tower.) Yes, we eat well in little Rhody. Today, BSK picked up a big bowl of steaming pasta e fagioli(Pasta and beans—New York’s late, beloved Mayor LaGuardia called the dish “Pastafazoole.)  HG had a big lush bowl last night enhanced with olive oil, parmesan and hot pepper flakes. Fabulous. Happily, there were ample leftovers for lunch the next day.


November 12th, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink

HG was born November 9, 1929.  The old guy was 94 yesterday. HG never expected to live to such a remarkable age. Certainly, HG would have died years ago without the dedicated, day to day loving care HG has received from the love of HG’s life–HG’s wife of more than 60 years: Sharon Kent. Svelte and chic at 82, Sharon is a powerhouse of love and skills–rising to the challenge of healing HG during HG’s painful broken hip\chipped femur period. Last night, HG/BSK’s gifted daughter, Lesley R.; son-in-law Profesre Massimo R. and brilliant granddaughter Sofia R. came to HG/BSK’s Central Falls, RI, loft and launched the most stupendous birthday party for HG, the very best of HG’s long life. There was a vast array of sparkling, fresh sushi–an HG favorite food. The beverages were Cava, a refreshing gazeuse wine, and chilled Rose’. HG started with a “parade” dish–chopped yellowtail topped with tobiko, black cod caviar and a raw quail egg yolk. It was so beautiful it seemed a shame to mix it in order to eat. Shame ceased with each yummy swallow.. This was followed by unagi sushi, an HG fave. And, then tuna and shrimp sushi. Oh, my!! Heaven in each bite.  A pause. Then dessert–Junior’s cheesecake and gobs of fresh real whipped cream. Drank Honey Mead wine with this great confectôn (Wine was a gift from Allison and Matt Martonovich). Gifts were CD’s selected by Lesley and Massimo. The party was an explosion of love and HG appreciated having the best family in the world (There were joyous video chats from son Jeremy in Japan and granddaughter Arianna in Colorado).

Halibut? Feh!

November 9th, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink

Last night, BSK made a pot of tasty Greek avgolemono and rice soup. Superlative. As good–or  better–than any served in New York restaurants. BSK poached halibut in the soup and cut the filets into small chunks. Sounds delicious, right? No. It was inedible. The halibut was tough and dry. HG couldn’t swallow.  So, what went wrong? For some reason, HG/BSK have a problem cooking halibut. The fish is always a disaster. BSK has pan fried halibut filets, grilled them, and poached them. Nothing works. HG/BSK need enlightenment from HG/BSK’s family. Grace note. There’s leftover soup for lunch today. Silver lining.

Food Enemy: The Refrigerator

November 7th, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink

Yes, it’s a very useful appliance. However, well into HG’s teenage years, HG prefered the iceboxes that chilled the HG family perishables. It was young HG’s job to empty the basin that held the water from the melting ice. If he forgot,  there was loud, scornful yelling (Corporal punishment was not allowed).The icebox was serviced by  sturdy Italians who carried big blocks of ice (Wrapped in burlap) up steep stairways, (Rumor had that the strong Italians also “serviced” some lusty housewives). Food (Especially cheese and charcuterie) should be removed from the fridge hours before eating. Meats (Steaks, chops, roasts should be brought to room temperature before cooking}.  Same with fish and fowl. Ice cream is better when plucked from the freezer and allowed to settle. At restaurants in Italy, a great variety of condiments, charcuterie,and cheeses bask at room temp ( This antipasto is usually chilled into tastelessness in America). In a Santa Fe restaurant HG was served a slice of fridge ice cold country pate. HG shouted HG’s complaint: “Pate ice cream !!”.


November 3rd, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink

BSK celebrated Halloween by hollowing out a medium sized pumpkin; she mixed the pumpkin pulp with a menage of ground pork, mushrooms,olive oil, spices, garlic, chopped onions, etc. BSK put  the mix into the pumpkin and after a sprinkle of cayenne pepper put it into the oven to bake. Wonderful eating. The pumpkin pulp gave it a voluptuous taste. Gifted daughter, Lesley R., decorated her Riverside, RI, home with the scarest carved pumpkin ever. She probably frightened her distinguished husband,Profesore Massimo R. 

Yum Yum

November 1st, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink

 HG is so glad to be back in HG/BSK’s spacious and beautiful  (Designed and decorated by BSK) Central Falls, RI, loft. After a bit more than two months in hospitals  and therapy centers, HG delights in sunshine pouring through large windows and the indoor pleasures of music, TV and the aesthetically pleasing BSK pots, paintings, drawings and clay fired sculptures. HG has daily improvement but still needs BSK’s nursing aid. Yes, BSK does it all. And, BSK cooks delicious, creative food for HG/BSK’s dinners a deux. Last night, BSK shelled and deveined a bunch of shrimp (BSK thinks shelled ready to cook shrimp don’t saute properly). BSK sauteed the properly cleaned shrimp in a sofrito of garlic, olive oil, Frank’s Hot Sauce, and lemon juice. The lush shrimp and the pan liquids were poured over steamed grits. Chopped baby spinach was the side dish. (Must have a veggie). Drank a fabulous red wine. A great meal, full of comfort and love.

Happy, Happy Homecoming

October 27th, 2023 § 0 comments § permalink

Yes, HG is out of the Warren, RI, Therapy Center and delighting in being in HG/BSK’s beautiful (Decorated by BSK) Central Falls, RI, loft. With sunlight pouring through the big windows and  Yo Yo Ma music wafting through the generous spaces, HG enjoyed a big bowl of ramen and tofu. So good and such a relief after two months of hospitalization and –Feh!!–hospital food. Thoughtful BSK took a scenic auto drive route home so HG could enjoy the colors of autumn foliage and the distinctive design of  Rhody neighborhoods. HG is moving about with a walker and a new wheelchair. No complaints. These have been a painful two months for HG. However, at great inconvenience to themselves, BSK and their gifted daughter, Lesley R., lightened HG’s spirits with their daily visits and tasty food.  So lucky to have these wondrous women in HG’s life.  Also grateful for all the healing people at the Therapy Center. Their kindness and professional skills are extraordinary. 

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