Nostalgic dinner for HG. Alas, BSK didn’t share. BSK said she doesn’t like hot dogs and never did. During their courtship and early marital days, HG/BSK often had franks and beans at HG/BSK’s Upper West Side apartment and Fire Island beach house. BSK would enhance the Heinz baked beans with sauteed onions, ketchup and a dash of Tabasco. Dish made HG happy when accompanied by chilled beer. So, last night HG grilled three Schneider’s franks (Alas, no ketchup in the fridge, but HG enhanced the beans with Chinese Bulldog Sauce and Sambal Oelek. The Hebrew Nationals of old were not available on Prince Edward Island but Schneider’s is a worthy all beef substitute.) Had the tube steaks with PEI mustard pickle. Heavenly combo. Local ale. Joyous journey into the past.
July 6th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
Tough Day For HG
July 3rd, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
HG was weak and dizzy for most of the day. HG had trouble getting up from a seated position–needed help from BSK. Walking was impossible. Bleary eyed and no appetite. HG mused: Is this the end? To quote BSK’s maternal grandmother: Is HG going to “slip off this mortal coil” ? BSK to the rescue. BSK surmised HG was seriously dehydrated–had not drunk any water during the day. BSK gave HG three big glasses of ice water. HG drank them all and gradually began to feel much better. Leslie French, HG/BSK’s beautiful friend and neighbor, was the dinner guest. BSK cooked a tasty Morocco influenced chicken tagine. Splendid food but HG would find it difficult to swallow. Instead, HG supped on a big bowl of chicken broth enriched with rice noodles, beaten egg, and silken tofu (For protein). HG relished the meal and began to feel alive. Dessert was Häagen-Dazs vanilla ice cream topped with BSK’s rhubarb/strawberry compote. HG was active and eager to continue joyous living at HG/BSK’s Prince Edward Island oceanfront home.
61 — And Want More
July 1st, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
Tuesday (July 2) is the big day–HG/BSK’s 61st wedding anniversary. A day of joyous (and challenging) memories. HG/BSK rejoice in their wonderful children and grandchildren. Daughter Lesley R. has been in a long and happy marriage with her husband, Massimo (much loved and admired by HG/BSK). Likewise son, Jeremy, who is happily married to his wife and business partner, Maiko Sakamoto (diminutive in stature but a giant in culinary skills, business smarts and capacity to love and nurture Jeremy and their children, Haru and Teru). Very old HG (95 in November) is very shaky, often dizzy, and has difficulty walking and doing minor household tasks. Today, HG recalled the very athletic things HG/BSK did together until HG advanced into HG’s mid 80’s. Long beach walks and city walks. Ocean swimming and bodysurfing (BSK bodysurfed into the advanced days of pregnancy). Kadima and other Fire Island beach. games–volleyball and touch football (BSK startled men by outracing them and with good hands snatching HG’s passes). One wall and four wall competitive paddle and racquetball. Horseback riding and equestrianism at HG//BSK’s Colorado ranch, perched at a 9,000 foot elevation in the Rocky Mountain foothills. Skiing (BSK very good and HG very bad). Tennis (BSK quite good and HG very bad). Much bicycling (First in New York’s Central Park and then in Vancouver’s Stanley Park and other venues in that bike friendly city–also cycled in Denver,Nantucket and Santa Fe. Yes, HG/BSK did all of this and more plus regular workouts at gyms. (Might be why HG is still alive). My niece-in-law, Viki Freeman, commented on old guys married to younger women:The geezers want Nurse and Purse. Well, HG doesn’t need Purse but HG is very grateful for the 24/7 nursing care BSK provides (While maintaining a mostly equable temper despite HG’s incessant demands). HG is still very much in love with this remarkable woman. BSK appearance: Still stylish and chic,svelte, beautiful, shapely. Creativity: Painting better than ever. BSK’s canvases of Colorado and New Mexico landscapes and plateau vistas dazzle HG– as do Prince Edward Island seascapes. And, each night BSK cooks delectable meals–all with a BSK creative tweak. Yes, despite handicaps, HG–because of BSK–is a happy man who wants more years with The Wonder Woman.
Death Defying Toby
July 1st, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
HG/BSK were very concerned about a future without the loveable Toby, The Wonder Dog. It all seemed ironic.after HG praised the doggie in a Hungry Gerald post–Bow Wow–Arf Arf.. Here’s what happened: To relieve severe shoulder arthritis, HG swallows two Aleve (Ibuprofen) pills. This time, HG swallowed the first but brushed the other to the floor. HG bent to pick it up but failed as ever hungry Toby ate it up. Woe!! Sunday night and no vet was available. Google notes on dog poisoning were dire. A dog can die after an ibuprofen swallow. Toby looked bad–very lethargic and signs of pain. Before calling a vet the next morning, HG took Toby for a walk to relieve himself. The result: A defecation. And, lo and behold, Toby was good as ever. He must have discharged the nasty pill. It’s been some days later and Toby is lively and frisky as usual. It proves that a good shit solves many problems.
Farewell Feast
June 29th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
Eric M. (big, bearded guy with huge muscles) and his wife, Lisa M. (beautiful, shapely and muscular) have been visiting with Eric’s parents, Noel (BSK’s sister) and her husband, Yossi M. at their Ocean Mist Farm located near Panmure Island on the south shore of Prince Edward Island. Eric and Lisa, stars of the exciting horse extravaganza “Gladius The Show”)–check it out with Google–leave for their Las Vegas home today (Saturday) so last night was a farewell dinner at HG/BSK’s oceanfront home on the north shore of PEI. It was a memorable feast enjoyed by HG/BSK and the M. families. Eric shucked 18 briny PEI oysters. One doesn’t pay attention to the “R month” warning on PEI. This was followed by BSK’s sprightly Newfoundland shrimp salad –small appetizer portions. Main dish was BSK’s riff on the Italian classic: Vitello Tonnato. This is cold slices of veal topped with a creamy tuna sauce (sublime summer eating), BSK substituted thin slices of poached pork tenderloin for the veal with spectacular results. Dessert was ice cream with Belgian wafers–nice ending. Farewell, Eric and Lisa. Come again.
Eric & Lisa
June 27th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
Yes, this dynamic duo are on Prince Edward Island–visiting at Ocean Mist Farm, home of Eric’s parents, Noel and Yossi Martonovich. Eric is a big, powerfully muscled guy (His biceps are almost as big as HG’s head). Lisa is a shapely beauty, lots of muscle and charm (Eric’s full black beard makes him look like an embattled Old Testament prophet). They star in their “Gladius The Show”. It features vaulting acrobatics atop speeding Clydesdale horses and a chariot being pulled by a group of fast moving horses .(Takes a super strong guy like Eric to control them ). Erica and Lisa have not been idle at Ocean Mist—they built an imposing outdoor bread/pizza oven and all await the products it will produce.HG/BSK joined the group (Noel is BSK’s sister) for a Tuesday night feast of many, many freshly caught PEI lobsters. Noel made a pleasant side dish of Fusilli pasta. Big green salad (Lettuces from Yossi’s garden). Much wine and beer. Ice cream for dessert. Friday night is dinner at HG/BSK’s home. BSK is planning something special for the group feast.
Bow Wow! Arf Arf!
June 25th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
One of the many joys of summering at HG/BSK’s Prince Edward Island oceanfront home is the presence of Toby,The Wonder Dog and Pip, the gentle and intelligent female dog. These charming and amusing companions are with us because Gifted Daughter Lesley R. and her husband, Massimo are in Italy. Massimo is a tenured Professor at Brown U., an author, a pioneer in making Italian culture available on the internet. He is also a film authority and is currently leading a cinema festival in Bologna. Besides having Padua joy, Lesley works much of the day long distance for her demanding communications executive position in Rhode Island. Toby and Pip live with L .& M. during the non-Summer months at L. & M.’s Riverside, RI, home. It is difficult for BSK (BSK/HG live in a spacious Central Falls, RI.,loft) to meet the needs of old HG–95 in November, hopefully–and take care of dogs. So, Toby and Pip are getting much attention, excellent food and many beach acres in which to roam. Only one problem–Pip won’t allow BSK to brush her teeth. That will have to wait until Pip meets Lesley at HG/BSK’s giant family reunion in late July and continuing through the full month of August. Much merriment and feasting is anticipated.
Chowda: Best snd Worst
June 23rd, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
Last week there were two cold and rainy days on Prince Edward Island. BSK’s kitchen garden at HG/BSK’s oceanfront home got a much needed watering. The inclement weather called for warm, comforting food. And, the answer was “Chowda” (That’s what chowder is called in New England where it’s an all season favorite). On one night, BSK made cod chowder. The next night there was a shrimp/sea scallop chowder. Instead of milk or cream, BSK used coconut milk and kept it light by minimizing potatoes. Fragrant, delightful, tasty dinners–and, of course, comforting. HG was reminded of an incident that has become a family legend. HG/BSK’s children were very young and the family was motoring to HG/BSK’s summer home on Nantucket Island (HG/BSK are fond of island summering–Fire Island, Nantucket and now, PEI). The family was famished on the way to Nantucket. HG was in a nasty mood because HG was in the midst–unsuccessful–of trying to stop smoking. (Cancer–32 years ago–made HG stop immediately and permanently). Hyannis Port had a number of restaurants and HG/BSK chose one with a nautical name –something like “Skipper Jack’s Seafood”. New England clam chowder came to the table. It was a sodden mess of flour, water, lumpy mashed potatoes, a few bits of canned chopped clams and bereft of any clam flavor. HG was outraged. Before a room of startled customers (a table of which were nuns) HG screamed: “This isn’t chowder. This is SHIT!!! And I’m not paying for it!!” HG’s abashed family slunk out of the restaurant leaving HG, with no wallet, to settle the bill. No one spoke until a stop at a good roadside fried clam shack. The clams were delicious and everyone had a laugh. All was forgiven as HG puffed on after meal cigarettes and became a happy fellow. (Since that day, HG has never ordered New England Clam Chowder. HG prefers the clear and briny clam chowder served in Rhode Island and at Legal Seafoods restaurant at Boston’s Logan Airport).
Fire Chicken
June 18th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
As the name implies, this is a tongue tingling, fiery (picante) chicken dish. BSK, one of the world’s eminent yardbird cooks, made it for dinner last night and HG’s mouth was filled with heated pleasure. There are three things that create the heat: Gochugaro (Korean red pepper flakes); Gochugang (Korean red pepper paste ); Coarsely ground black pepper. Abundant amounts of these elements are mixed with soy sauce, brown sugar, garlic and ginger. Chicken thighs (boneless, skinless) are rolled in this spicy mix and then sizzled in canola oil with a bit of water until done. It’s served on a bed of rice (HG amps up the heat with a large spoonful of Sambal Oelek). Chilled Prince Edward Island ale cools the mouth.
Better Than Le Cirque
June 16th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
The late Sirio Maccioni (died in 2020–age 88–at his home in Italy) was an elegant, courtly restaurateur. His restaurant , Le Cirque, had a long run–1974-2017–on Manhattan’s upper east side. Its last location was particularly spiffy–151 Beacon Court, a space in the Bloomberg Building.on E. 51st Street. Always welcoming and gracious to the celebrities and “ladies who lunch” that made the expensive eatery their hangout. Although there have been disputes about this, Le Cirque is credited with inventing Spaghetti Primavera and Creme Brulee. (This dessert is omnipresent in almost every Paris bistro, restaurant and cafe–Le Cirque’s claim seems very dubious). HG thought about Le Cirque tonight as BSK made dinner tonight–Pappardelle Primavera–using fresh Prince Edward Island ingredients (Yes, Pappardelle is not from PEI–BSK doesn’t use spaghetti in this dish preferring a heartier pasta. The pasta is an Italian import as is the pancetta BSK uses judiciously and the olive oil). All of the other ingredients–zucchini , shallots, parsley, feta cheese and white wine are local except California garlic. BSK’s version of Primavera is much better than Le Cirque’s version of yesteryear. Le Cirque’s was insipid, bathed in cream and verging on tasteless.