HG loves pastry. French breakfast is a croissant (or brioche or buttered baguette ) with coffee. Italians like it sweet–pastry with their coffee or double espresso. HG favors the Italian breakfast version. Lesley (HG/BSK’s gifted and generous daughter) dropped off a box of Spanish pastries at HG/BSKs’ Central Falls, RI, loft. Had a splendid, sweet, good thing this morning and a lush custard filled pastry for dessert last night after a BSK-created dinner of flounder steamed over chopped spinach and broccoli di rabe. The dish was served with a pot of fluffy rice. That means a lunch of BSK congee tomorrow. Yumarooney pastries, comforting congee. Much bliss for HG.
May 14th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
Best Fed
May 10th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
There are many descriptives that can be used for old HG (95 in November, hopefully). One is “well fed”. That’s because HG’s nutrition and enjoyment of lush dinners has become one of BSK’s responsibilities. Happily, no matter how busy or tired BSK is, the wonderful woman daily prepares a tasty breakfast for HG (Smoothie, yogurt enhanced by maple syrup, coffee, sometimes a slice of celestial Babka) and a lush, creative dinner (Fish, shrimp, chicken,pork and tofu; omelets, vegetable pastas–and more, much more). Last night was a good example. BSK sauteed juicy shrimp in a honey and hot pepper glaze–a tongue tingling taste of heat and sweet. This was served with creamy grits and gently steamed baby spinach. Wow!! BSK is also an expert sommelier so there was a bottle of lovely Washington State merlot to drink. Lucky, lucky HG.
May 8th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
At last, bright sunshine ended a long spell of grey (or rainy) Rhode Island weather. HG/BSK were off to Riverside,RI, home of gifted daughter, Lesley R., and her husband, Professor/author Massimo R. Their home has a spacious sun drenched deck facing Narragansett Bay. BSK assisted Lesley in flower planting. HG basked in a comfortable chair on the deck (Welcome after a long shut-in life in HG/BSK’s Central Falls, RI, loft) read New York Review of Books and sipped Spritzes prepared by thoughtful Massimo. Wonderful way to spend a Spring afternoon. (Peckish HG ate a small bowl of cashews with the Spritzes). Massimo served tasty Lambrusco wine with dinner —Lesley’s lush pasta with vegetable sauce made creamy with feta and ricotta. Yums. After playing with Toby, The Wonder Dog and Pip, the gracious female dog, it was off to home for dessert, TV watching and peaceful sleep.
May 6th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
HG/BSK rarely eat any red meat (an occasional lamb chop is an exception).Yes, some pork–chops and ground. Fish, crustaceans, shellfish, vegetables in all varieties, canned Goya beans; fish/chicken/vegetable broth –these are the basic ingredients of BSK cuisine. BSK rarely uses butter but relies on extra virgin Italian and Sicilian olive oil. BSK’s favorite edible is chicken and HG lovingly teases BSK about this lust. Happily, BSK makes wonderful chicken dishes that are relished by HG. BSK relies on a score of creations but here are three of HG’s favorites. Spatchcoked chicken–first marinated in an oil/ lemon/spice mix and then roasted to a crisp skinned juicy lushness. Chicken thighs glazed with oil and garlic and then drizzled with honey before going in the oven. A sweet, spicy treat. Poached balls of ground chicken floating in Greek Avgolemono soup. A modest squirt of sriracha gives it a bit of the heat HG craves. Last night, BSK topped a sheet pan with chicken thighs, sliced potatoes, chopped peppers, and scallions. Eggplant was added and all was topped with a mixture of yogurt, harissa, olive oil and spices. BSK served it with a yogurt sauce. Delicious food accompanied by pinot noir from Oregon. Cluck-cluck-cluck, indeed.
Lesley R. Conquers The Big Fish: Happy Two Night Eating
May 4th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
Gifted daughter Lesley R. received a gift—a big, frozen striped bass. Unfortunately, the fish had not been gutted or scaled. Like her Mom, Lesley meets all challenges. It took some time and effort, but Lesley made the fish ready for the oven–gilded with olive oil and accompanied by a vivid mayonnaise sauce. This was the main dish for dinner at Lesley and husband, Massimo’s, Riverside, RI, home. It was preceded by tasty fried calamari and ended with chocolate cake and cheesecake from a Spanish bakery. The fish was delicious (thanks, Lesley) and the chardonnay (gifted by the lovely Tracy Parsons) was stupendous. A great sumptuous wine. Lesley sent HG/BSK home with a container of abundant cooked striper. Next night, BSK warmed the fish in a sauce of olive oil, fish stock, capers, fennel, tomatoes, garlic, onions and herbs. This was poured over linguine for a sensational pasta dish. Yes, Lesley’s labors provided HG/BSK with a striped bass doubleheader. Good eating.
Donald and Susan
May 3rd, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
Bruce Maguire and his lovely companion, Tracy Parsons, visited HG/BSK some days ago (Read the post about that happy occasion). And, on Sunday another jolly reunion. Donald Kitchen and enchanting wife, Susan, arrived at HG/BSK’s Central Falls, RI. for a luncheon get together. Donald was a Gerald Freeman, Inc. (name changed to Freeman Public Relations) trainee after he spent some years in the Middle East. A Columbia U. dean (friend of HG’s) recommended him. A happy hire. A brilliant, engaging fellow. He became a partner when HG sold the company to his executives. Donald soon left and founded his own PR firm in Manhattan. (married Susan at that time). As anticipated, the company was super successful before he sold it to his employees and went on to pursue other interests. These included a trip around the world on his seagoing sailboat (he is a world class sailor). On land (his home is in Rochester, NY) he made elegant classic furniture and he and Susan tended sugar maple trees (don’t know where the grove is–upper New York State or elsewhere). Don is a true Renaissance man. BSK’s luncheon was much enjoyed–whitefish salad, halibut salad, BSK’s “Green Soup” (recipe promised); ginger snap cookies and coffee. Spirited conversation and memories. Coincidentally, Don and Susan brought a gift of smoked salmon and whitefish salad. Obviously, we have similar tastes. Don and Susan are avid cyclists and have had long journeys on their bikes (both are very fit and trim). In June they will be cycling in Nova Scotia. Luckily, they will ferry to Prince Edward Island and check in with summering HG/BSK. Seafood and joy await before they bike the Island.
Noble, Indeed
May 2nd, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
Heinrich Heine was one of the greatest German poets and writers. He was Jewish and quotable–“That was but a prelude. Where they burn books, they will ultimately burn people as well” is among the most famous. On a lighter note, after eating a meal at a Jewish restaurant, he exclaimed: “What a noble religion!!!”. HG was reminded of this after eating a wondrous dinner of chopped liver and matzo ball soup leftover from the Passover Seder in Brookline, Mass., hosted by HG’s nephew Jonahathan Katz and his beautiful, super chic wife, Barbara Ito . Barbara is a great cook and is adept at preparing iconic Jewish dishes. She and Jonathan are experts with French, Italian, Asiatic, and American food. Barbara makes tantalizing desserts. Here’s the mystery. Barbara has a big time appetite and eats heartily. She doesn’t gain an ounce, is impossibly svelte and young. Go figure.
Yesteryear Quick Treats
April 29th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
When HG/BSK lived in Montclair, NJ. HG commuted to HG’s public relations office by express bus (Then a brisk Manhattan walk to HG’s destination). However, HG had time to stop at the Midtown Bus Terminal Frankfurter counter for the best hot dog in the world. It was topped with tangy sauerkraut and yellow mustard on a steamed bun and washed down with a not too sweet root beer. (HG has never had a bow-wow snack to equal this Midtown treat). Other quick Manhattan treats were the tacos served from a doorway in the West 30’s (It was the only taco stand in New York) and the Italian grilled sausage and peppers served on Italian bread from a truck in Greenwich Village. During warm summer months, HG visited a gloomy little shop on lower Madison Avenue (owned and run by two Holocaust survivors–husband and wife– whose Nazi number tattoos were visible on their arms). Among other things they sold Schav (Ice cold sorrel soup). It was as good as the Schav made by my late Mom. Nothing could be more refreshing on a sultry day.
Delicious Doubleheader
April 29th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
BSK knows when a Melissa Clark (NY Times) recipe is a winner. BSK does creative tweaks and makes enough for two dinners–a “doubleheader”–one night of cooking and two nights of pleasure. The recipe is “Indian Butter Chickpeas”. Melssa calls it “a riff on Indian butter chicken” (Chickpeas replace the chicken). It’s a rich stew of tomatoes, ginger, onion, garlic,coconut milk, garam masala and lots of other spices. BSK added cubed eggplant and two favorite BSK spices–turmeric and aleppo pepper. At the last moment, BSK tossed shrimp and cooked rice into the sizzling stew. Sensational. Best curry ever, HG looks forward to the “nightcap” tonight Two chutneys–hot and sweet–on the table. Ale is the drink. Happy,happy,happy!!!
April 28th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
BSK is influenced by BSK’s memories of HG’s robust appetite of yesteryear. That appetite has diminished as the old guy (95 in November, hopefully) keeps getting older. So, BSK cooks an exuberant amount of food resulting in many containers of leftovers in the fridge. Anticipating lunch, HG examined the leftovers: chicken soup; fish stew; polenta; couscous; sheet pan hake;roast chicken. HG chose the lusty chicken soup and it was splendid when reheated with a splash of sesame oil and sriracha. HG’s son-in-law, Massimo Riva, the brilliant Professor/author, is keen on leftovers. He eats them all accompanied by chunks of bread. His lunch drink is tea or water–wine if it’s a leftover dinner. HG doesn’t classify a second night (double header) as a left over. Just a dinner cooked in an amount for dinner two nights in a row (a BSK specialty).