Heat Beating Treats

August 5th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

HG/BSK’S Gifted Daughter Lesley R. is a profoundly multi-talented woman – a “Renaissance Woman” indeed.  She has a very demanding career in healthcare communications. Despite 24/7 pressure, she takes care of two frisky dogs and makes herself available for wise counsel essential for daughters Arianna and Sofia. And, yes, she cooks wondrous meals nightly for her and husband Massimo R. when they are at their Riverside, RI., home. Wait, there’s more!! Lesley is on workation at the HG/BSK/RIVA oceanfront home on serene Prince Edward Island—and she cooks dinner (“supper” on PEI) for as many as eight hungry folks (sea air, salt water swims, sun bathing and shore walks sharpens appetites).  Yesterday, was super sultry…Lesley beat the heat with an artfully composed supper – sea scallop ceviche; Newfoundland tiny shrimp salad flavored with much dill; sliced tomato, onion, parsley, feta cheese salad enhanced by a tangy vinaigrette. The main dish was fish tacos (don’t know what fish–cod, haddock??) the tortillas contained–but they were scrumptious. Finished meal with French Vanilla ice cream topped with local strawberries and raspberries. A.supper that  was another Lesley R. triumph.

SJ’s Super Shrimp & Grits

August 4th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

Shrimp and  Grits!! This is one of HG’s favorite dishes. HG first tasted it in New Orleans and became an addict.  This was many years ago when fortunate HG had a public relations client based in “N’Awlins”. Besides giving HG’s client sage counsel, HG indulged in oysters (fried and  raw on the half shell); grillades; rice and beans; “Po Boys”, and many other delights of Cajun and Creole cuisine. BSK has made many dinners of traditional Shrimp and Grits, much to HG’s delight. But, last night son Jeremy made his own version of Shrimp and Grits. The best ever. HG was transported to culinary heaven. SJ’s version had garlic scapes and other diced vegetables plus herbs,spices and a judicious amount of hot sauce. The grits were cooked to a lush soupy texture. (A bowl of firm grits was left for HG. The old guy will have it for lunch adorned with softly scrambled eggs. Thanks, SJ).                

Aglio & Olio

August 3rd, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

Simplicity. And, simply delicious. Linguini Aglio & Olio–Pasta in a sauce of olive oil and gently sauteed sliced garlic. Additions are starchy pasta water (to thicken the sauce) and chopped parsley (to add veggie brightness). HG often adds anchovies because HG believes anchovies enliven any sauce without imparting a fishy flavor. The dish is identified with Naples but is enjoyed throughout Italy and the world. It is much favored by Roman men who have it as a late night snack following an evening of alcoholic carousing. HG first tasted the dish at Patsy’s, a pizzeria in New York’s Spanish Harlem. HG became an addict. (in later years, Woody Allen praised Patsy’s pizza making it the prime pizza destination for New York foodies). Last night, gifted daughter Lesley R. cooked her 94-year old Dad a big bowl of Linguini Aglio & Olio.  A joyous meal for HG, comfortable in HG/BSK/RIVA Prince Edward Island oceanfront home as HG drank much Pinot Noir and watched a glorious sunset.

Great Reunion

August 2nd, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

Yes. HG/BSK, Gifted Daughter Lesley and her husband Massimo are bursting with joy at the reunion with HG/BSK’s Tokyo based family–son Jeremy looking trim and younger than his age; SJ’s wonderful wife and business partner, exquisite Maiko Sakamoto; their son Haru, now a man and preparing for college; daughter, 12-year-old Teru, a beauty. And, as a bonus, Maiko’s Mom. She joined the family in making the long journey to HG/BSK’s Prince Edward Island oceanfront home. (as HG writes this, the Tokyoites are frolicking on the beach in front of the HG/BSK home). Teru anticipates eating many PEI mussels (harvested in nearby St. Peter’s Bay). Lots of talented cooks are assembled so there will be many jolly feasts.

Little Neck Clam Bonanza

August 2nd, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

Sofia Riva, her friend, Julia, and other members of the Freeman/Riva families  drove to the shore of St. Mary’s Harbour (close to Panmure Island). They were there to harvest clams. Using their toes to find the clams they had a stupendous harvest—literally hundreds of little necks. So, of course, dinner at the HG/BSK/RIVA Prince Edward Island oceanfront home was “spaghetti con vongole”—bowls of briny deliciousness with tiny bits of clam and lots of good bread to soak up the juices. There were some larger clams and they were used for an appetizer of clams casino. The meal reminded HG of Fire Island many years ago when the unpolluted Great South Bay beckoned HG/BSK and palsl to harvest scores of lush cherrystones. HG owned a nifty clam opener so there were feasts of raw clams on the half shell; clams casino,clams oreganata ,clams posillipo and–no surprise–“linguine con vongole’.

Viva Espana / Yossi!!!

August 1st, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

Yossi M. turned 80 yesterday. A favorite “in-law”(He’s married to BSK’s sister, Noel, and they live on their verdant Ocean Mist Farm on the south shore of Prince Edward Island.) So, last night they drove to the HG/BSK/RIVA oceanfront home on the north shore. A lavish birthday party for a mature 80 year old Yossi awaited them. Raised glasses of white wine (accompanied by smoked salmon) for toasts to the 80 year old fellow. Dinner was a classic Spanish paella cooked by Lesley R. (HG/BSK’s gifted daughter).  A big baking pan held delicious sauced golden colored rice. This was topped with juicy slices of chicken and fresh from the sea clams and mussels–plus remarkable–though previously frozen–shrimp. Green salad and cheeses followed. Dessert was French Vanilla ice cream mixed with in season sweet strawberries. (Oh, my!!) Yossi loves chocolate so his birthday gift was a bag of varied top quality chocolate bars (plus other sweet things). A sweet climax to the celebration as the group sipped exceptional dessert wine. HG drank red wine with nibbles of Brittle Brothers fabulous peanut brittle. Ah, life can have some glorious moments.

Fish Cakes – Again

July 31st, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

Yes, HG has often written about HG’s love for fish cakes. HG doesn’t recall his beloved late Mom making fish cakes from scratch. Ida Kopkind Freeman fed young HG fish cakes from Citarella (the gourmet seafood chain had its original shop on Kingsbridge Road in The Bronx) and the local A & P supermarket (Young HG usually ate the A & P brand because they were much cheaper than Citarella’s).  During HG/BSK’s summertime residence at the home owned on Nantucket, the HG/BSK family often ate fish cakes with egg sauce at the Downy Flake diner and pronounced them best in the world. Well, Downy Flake no longer rules. Gifted Daughter Lesley R;. is the fish cake Empress.—Last night she made fish cakes from fresh cod bought at Julio’s Seafood ( A shop near the HG/BSK/RIVA Prince Edward Island oceanfront home). Lesley’s version: Crisp. Juicy, Full of sea flavor, Incomparable. They were served with in season PEI yellow beans. Fabulous meal.

Instant Ramen / Noodle Packs

July 27th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

Asian (Thai, Korean, Japanese, Chinese) noodle soup packages are a staple food at college dormitories–cheap, tasty, filling, available at almost every grocery. HG/BSK’s brilliant and beautiful granddaughter, Arianna R., was addicted to them during her college days. Each package contained a sleeve of “flavoring”–unhealthy stuff consisting of sodium and chemicals. Ari always mixed the “flavoring” in the noodle soup until she noticed that her blood pressure had climbed to a dangerous level. That ended her addiction. HG often lunches on these noodle soups (Thai Express and thicker noodle Korean ramens are HG favorites). HG throws away all of the additives. HG flavors his soup with a mix of sesame oil, Frank’s Hot Sauce, and soy sauce. Then adds silken tofu (for protein); chopped spinach, bok choy or zucchini (for veggie balance); chopped. parsley (for color). And, that’s it—healthy eating on hot or cold days. (Weather was cool today at HG/BSK/RIVA Prince Edward Island ocean front home, so gracious and gifted daughter, Lesley R., made her Dad a big bowl of packaged Korean ramen. She added tofu and HG’s flavor mix–a big bowl of steaming goodness that made HG happy and nourished. So lucky to have Lesley.

Tasty Triple Header

July 26th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

BSK made an HG fave for dinner a few nights ago–a roasted spatchcocked chicken. “Spachcock” refers to  cutting out the backbone of a chicken (Must be an old English word). The procedure flattens out the chicken enabling it to have crispy skin and juicy meat (Even the breast). The French refer to the method as “crapaudine” since the flattened chicken has the contours of a frog. BSK  served the chicken with PEI yellow beans (now in season) and PEI smashed potatoes. Delicious. (HG/BSK are happy locavores when living at their Prince Edward Island oceanfront home with its glorious sea views). On the next night, BSK was inspired by Vietnam and its wondrous “Pho”, a national treasure of soup. BSK cut the roast chicken into small pieces and added them to simmering Pho broth (Available at the Atlantic Supermarket in the nearby town of Montague). More good things–silken tofu, bok choy, spinach, many herbs and spices–went into the Pho plus plenty of quickly cooked rice noodles. Outstanding –and perfect on a grey day. So, that was the nightcap of the doubleheader. It became a tripleheader when there was enough leftover Pho for a hearty lunch for HG the next day–a gift that keeps on giving.

Halibut, Avgolemono, Rice: A Delight

July 24th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

Halibut is expensive, rightfully so, as it is a culinary star. However, for some obscure reason, BSK has had problems cooking the fish. It has never come out right. Problem was solved last night resulting in flaky, lush halibut. BSK cut a thick filet into chunks and cooked them in Greek Avgolemono and rice soup. (The soup is composed of broth, lemon juice and egg yolks). BSK added an over- exuberant amount of rice so the dish was more of a congee than the intended soup, Nevertheless, with a splash of olive oil and hot sauce, it was a delight and the yummy chunks of halibut were praiseworthy.

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