BSK and daughter, Lesley R., are very fond of cooking with a sheet pan, It seems the ingredients for “supper” keep their integrity when they are roasted in a sheet pan in the oven.(there is also the convenience of one pan cleaning). BSK and Lesley collaborated on a tasty locavore main dish last night. The diners in HG/BSK/Riva Prince Edward Island oceanfront home gave BSK and Lesley merited applause. The ingredients were all local—chopped peppers, fennel,onions,scallions,parsley;ripe cherry tomatoes. And, delicious cod (cut into chunks) from nearby Julio’s Seafood. Gilded with olive oil and flavored with spices and a dash of hot sauce–this was regal PEI dining. “Supper” ended with warmed leftover berry gratin (a Lesley invention) topped with vanilla ice cream. Perfect summer meal.
Sheet Pan Glory
August 29th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
International Family Food
August 27th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
At the age of 94 (95 in November, hopefully). Life isn’t easy for the old guy. Many “challenges”: Walking, swallowing, hearing, seeing, etc.,etc.,etc. However, there are many compensations–principal is the companionship and caregiving of the love of HG’s life, BSK. (61 years of marriage and HG wants more with this incomparably beautiful, chic, creative woman). And, HG has the blessing of having a family of loving, creative, super intelligent individuals. They are responsible for HG’s happiness at this demanding stage of HG’s long life –they watch over HG’s safety and bring him laughter and joy. These days on Prince Edward Island (the site of the HG/BSK/RIVA oceanfront home) there’s another reason for smiles–the fabulous international food prepared by daughter, Lesley R.; son Jeremy and BSK. Dishes come from all over the world–Morocco, Italy, France, Canada, Spain, China, Japan, India, Israel –and the USA (shrimp and grits; chicken gumbo; fried chicken,hot dogs). Last night ,Lesley made Spaghetti Amatriciana (sauce of cherry tomatoes, crisp bacon bits, olive oil,chopped parsley.). This was preceded by a salad of small Newfoundland shrimp. A savory summer meal. Jeremy made lunch for HG today–hummus, Greek yogurt and Jeremy’s unique beet and tahina salad. So, foodies–should you envy HG? You should.
Glorious Gumbo and Berry Crumble
August 26th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
Son Jeremy is a very talented cook. So, it is not surprising that, teamed with wife and partner, they have made their barbecue izakaya, Freeman Shokudo, a busy eatery renowned for its better- than-Katz’s pastrami and other robust beer-friendly dishes. Maiko and handsome son, Haru, are back in Tokyo while Jeremy and pre-teen daughter, Teru, are still enjoying life at the HG/BSK/RIVA oceanfront home on the north shore of Prince Edward Island. Last night, Jeremy made one of HG/BSK’s favorite dishes–Chicken gumbo in the N’Awlins style. Jeremy made a mahogany colored roux and filled the pot with chicken thighs, smoked sausage, corn, the New Orleans “holy trinity” of chopped celery, peppers and onions; okra, tomatoes, garlic, broth and a variety of spices and herbs. Jeremy made his own picante sauce if more tongue tingling heat was needed. The dish was spectacular–everyone had seconds and contemplated thirds. Much red wine was quaffed. Daughter Lesley R.’s dessert was not an anticlimax. It was a berry crumble — blueberries and nectarines—the stewed fruit nestled underneath sweetened breadcrumbs and topped with generous amounts of vanilla ice cream. Lush, refreshing–and not too sweet. All at the dining table applauded Jeremy and Lesley for an extraordinary “supper”.
HG’s Caring Daughter and Son-In-Law
August 25th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
HG is very lucky to have his gifted daughter, Lesley R.,and husband, Massimo, enjoying workathions at the HG/BSK/RIVA oceanfront home on Prince Edward Island. Professor Massimo R. is very attentive to HG’s seating efforts (alert Massimo makes sure HG doesn’t take another–possibly fatal–tumble). In the meantime, Lesley R. takes care of HG’s comfort and nourishment. Today, Lesley prepared a steaming bowl of rice noodles (from a Thai Kitchen package) and topped it with a lot of silken tofu (rich in protein). Hungry fellow flavored his lunch bowl with sesame oil and Tajin (Mexican spice sprinkles). Nice midday comfort eating. Chilly day so Lesley covered HG’s knees with a warm blanket as seated HG worked on his computer (HG has been wearing shorts). Lesley has been actively aiding HG to see and hear speeches by Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Tim Walz, Doug Emhoff (witty and articulate First Gentleman); Oprah, Michelle Obama, Barack Obama and the star of the evening, Kamala Harris, the next President of the United States (we fervently hope). Listening to Michelle, Oprah and Kamala, HG surmises that oratory has become another female skill. For Dinner, Lesley made a healthy and tasty meal of chunks of salmon poached in a pungent broth with spices, herbs and spinach. This was poured over bowls of basmati rice. Lesley chopped scallôns, parsley,basil and arugula to be added to the bowls (because of swallowing handicaps, HG passed on this and was content with some spoonfuls of Sambal Oelek). Lesley did all of this as she steadily worked on her professional duties. A Wonder Woman, indeed.
Healthy Delight
August 24th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
For many years HG demeaned vegetables. “Rabbit food.” “Earth garbage.” Etc., etc.. The exceptions were sweet corn and New Jersey tomatoes. Potatoes were okay if they flanked steak and other meat treats. With old (very old) age, HG’s tastes have changed. He now loves veggies. A misfortune: HG can’t eat leafy green salads because of throat constriction from cancer surgery. Fortunately, endive leaves are a treat as well as chopped spinach. Broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini and okra are favorites. Last night, Gifted Daughter Lesley R. prepared a healthy and deeply flavored pasta dish for supper at the family oceanfront home on Prince Edward Island. Cauliflower, zucchini, cherry tomatoes, corn kernels were gently sauteed in olive oil and spices. The melange was flavored with feta cheese. This was mixed with pasta (linguine for HG and farfalle for HG’s tablemates). Astoundingly delicious. Hey, do vegetarians make sense?
SJ Scores Again
August 23rd, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
A grey day on Prince Edward Island which turned sunny in late afternoon. An enjoyable supper (dinner) at the family oceanfront home. HG/BSK,son Jeremy and his pre-teen daughter, the adorable Teru comprised the unusually small group at the dining table. During the summer there are as many as 10 hungry folks at supper. (This night HG/BSK daughter Lesey R. and her husband, Massimo, were in Charlottetown dining with friends Silva and Neb. Silva is the architect of the HG/BSK/RIVA home and Professor Neb is a distinguished academic. The visiting Tokyoites–Jeremy’s wife, Maiko Sakamoto, son Haru and Maiko’s Mom, Kyoko Sakamoto, are back in that city.) So, Jeremy was in charge of supper (lucky us) and it was glorious—crisp fried hake, in-season yellow beans with a delectable sauce, crispy potato nuggets baked in the oven with a smear of duck fat. The spuds were inspired by the famed Paris bistro–L’Ami Louis. The dinner at home was a bargain. Dinner at the Paris bistro costs $150-175 per person.
Lush Lunch
August 22nd, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
BSK and daughter, Lesley R., are very concerned about HG’s nutrition and HG’s longevity. HG is flattered. Obviously, with all of HG’s faults and short temper, they want the old guy around. So, lunch is important. HG’s lunch choice is Thai Kitchen rice noodle soup with a lot of silken tofu and sesame oil plus hot sauce for flavoring. When thin sliced white (or rye) bread is available, HG enjoys a sardine sandwich enriched with Kewpie Mayonnaise, Maille Mustard and a dash of Sambal Oelek. But, the best lunch is one that Lesley R. prepared for her Dad the last two days: Soft leftover grits, a bit of broth and hot sauce, gently swirled scrambled eggs. Gently heated with a cup of steaming coffee on the table, this is a superlative lunch that keeps HG happy until the cocktail hour and the subsequent tasty dinner prepared by HG’s family (all have culinary skills). HG is blessed to have a skilled and caring family.
SJ Super Supper–TWO
August 21st, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
HG/BSK,daughter Lesley and her husband, Massimo, are having a happy reunion with son Jeremy and Teru, his beautiful pre-teen daughter. The rest of the Tokyo family (Maiko Sakamoto; tall and husky son, Haru; Kyoko Sakamoto, Maiko’s Mom) are back in that city and missing Prince Edward Island and the happy times all shared at the HG/BSK/RIVA oceanfront home. Jeremy and Teru will be on PEI until the end of the month. Joy. Among the pleasures are Teru’s dessert service for HG (last night it was strudel and ice cream) and Jeremy’s talented cooking. Supper was a Jeremy extravaganza–a North African vegetable stew (sweet potatoes,parsnips,zucchini, onions, garlic,etc. served on a bed of quinoa and enhanced by hot sauce) and spicy and juicy chicken. Jeremy marinated the chicken in a picante and flavorful marinade. He roasted the bird in the oven and gave it a crisping in a hot cast iron pan. The chicken was spectacular—among the best HG ever tasted. And, the veggie stew was the perfect companion (as was the generous pouring of Pinot Noir).
SJ Supper–ONE
August 19th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
Son Jeremy was the cook for two nights (the group–daughter Lesley R. and husband Massimo R.; pre-teen Teru; HG/BSK –was lucky because SJ has culinary skills he has honed–with wife Maiko Sakamoto– at their Tokyo izakaya, Freeman Shokudo). Night one: Lots of corn kernels left over from previous “suppers”at the HG/BSK/RIVA oceanfront home on Prince Edward Island. SJ mixed abundant kernels with softly cooked grits, added spicy sauce and tender shrimp. The result was a delicious, original version of shrimp and grits. It was followed by a green salad and small, mineral rich PEI potatoes. Helpful Teru brought HG the old guy’s nightly dessert–two generous scoops of vanilla ice cream. Pleasant “supper” at the end of a warm day.
Back To Tokyo
August 18th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
The visiting Tokyo family–Maiko Sakamoto (son Jeremy’s wife and business partner in their Tokyo Brooklyn Barbecue izakaya, Freeman Shokudo), their grown up son, Haru; Maiko’s Mom, Kyoko Sakamoto, flew back to Tokyo this morning (6:38 AM). Son Jeremy drove them to the airport. Jeremy, his beautiful pre-teen daughter, Teru; gifted daughter, Lesley R., her husband, Massimo R., will be with HG/BSK at the HG/BSK/RIVA Prince Edward Island oceanfront home until the end of the month so there will be six for “supper” every night). This was the first visit to PEI by Kyoko Sakamoto, a warm and gracious woman. She enjoyed every aspect of PEI and was an affectionate companion for Toby, The Wonder Dog, and Pip, the intelligent female dog. In addition, Kyoko hosted the farewell dinner of lobsters, buttered and salted corn on the cob and small potatoes from Ocean Mist Farm, the home/equestrian center where BSK’s sister, Noel M. and husband, Yossi, live near the south shore of PEI. HG/BSK will miss the Tokyo contingent and HG hopes (fingers crossed) to be alive for a reunion on PEI in 2025. HG will miss Haru very much—an intelligent, sensitive young man with the ability to take beautiful photographs of PEI’s sea and skies. He has been very attentive to the old guy’s needs and his attentions have prevented spills and falls. (and sweet Teru brings HG dessert ice cream every night). So sorry that HG’s ailments and handicaps prevent HG from visiting Tokyo and eating Freeman Shokudo’s fabled pastrami.