“Improv” is short for “improvisation,” of course. In theatrical terms, it means performing without a script (often acting out a suggestion from the audience), relying upon creativity and actor skills. BSK was an “improv” star during BSK’s theatrical career. And, her culinary “improvs”are just as impressive. Last night, BSK examined items in the fridge and pantry—and improvised an outstanding, lush supper (one of the best ever). The main dish consisted of ground chicken cooked on the oven range. This was added to a pot of boiling stock with okra (HG’s favorite veggie), couscous, cherry tomatoes, parsley plus herbs and spices. Heat was turned down to simmer for all the flavors to integrate. Each serving got a dollop of Harissa, the Moroccan hot sauce. Mind blowing, fabulous eating. HG beseeched BSK to add this to the BSK chicken repertoire and make it often (with more okra, if possible). Yes,it was another joyous night at the HG/BSK/RIVA family home on serene and green Prince Edward Island.
Yummy Improv
September 9th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
All Alone
September 6th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
That’s what our Montclair, NJ, housekeeper would say when HG/BSK left home for a restaurant meal, movie or play. Well, HG/BSK are “all alone” in HG/BSK’s Prince Edward Island oceanfront home as daughter Lesley R. and her husband, Massimo, have left to drive to their Riverside, RI, home. (HG/BSK are not super lonely–HG/BSK have Toby, The Wonder Dog, as a frisky companion. Toby misses his soul mate, Pip, L. & M.’s intelligent lady dog pet). BSK has been a sous chef for the past month as Lesley and son Jeremy have done the cooking. BSK’s culinary skills haven’t eroded. Witness last night’s savory supper: Italian sausages and local red peppers, onions and garlic (plus a squeeze of tomato paste) over Garofalo pappardelle.Hearty supper at the end of a chilly day. Wonderful BSK still rules in the kitchen. HG applauds.
Brief Farewell
September 6th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
HG/BSK daughter, Lesley, and her brilliant husband, Massimo (plus sweet Pip, their doggie–Toby, The Wonder Dog, stayed in PEI with HG/BSK) left Prince Edward Island for their Riverside, RI, home. Happily, Lesley will be back to the HG/BSK/RIVA Prince Edward Island oceanfront home later this month to help her parents pack and share the driving back to their Central Falls, RI, loft. (we will meet “Max” when we arrive). So, last night’s PEI supper was a modified farewell. Lesley rose to the occasion by making a flavorful and spicy coconut milk-rice-sea scallop-mussel stew. Fabulous dish and the scallops were perfectly cooked with their muscle attachments careflully removed. See you soon, L & M. (Meanwhile, Toby is lonely and sad).
Celebration At Ocean Mist Farm
September 4th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
Wow!! A great celebration and farewell dinner last night at Ocean Mist Farm, the spectacularly verdant farm (and equestrian center)—home of BSK’s sister, Noel M. and her husband, Yossi M. Ocean Mist is bursting with ripening fruit–plums, peaches, pears and berries. There’s an outdoor, wood burning pizza oven on the grounds built by their son, Erik M. and his wife, Lisa. A magnificent abundance of wisteria covers a pergola and shades the dining room, site of last night’s festivities. HG/BSK, daughter, Lesley R., and her husband, Massimo, left the HG/BSK/RIVA oceanfront home on the north shore of Prince Edward Island for Ocean Mist, located on the south shore (45 minute drive, door-to-door). The group was there to celebrate the 54th wedding anniversary of Noel and Yossi–also a chance for N. and Y. to say goodby to Lesley and “Max”–who leave PEI for Rhode Island in a few days (lucky HG/BSK live close to L. & M In Rhody so many good times will be had together in the months ahead –fingers crossed, old HG will try to stay alive). Last night’s joy began with celebratory toasts (white wine) and an appetizer of hummus, cherry tomatoes and Noel’s home-baked pita dusted with zaatar. The main dish was ground lamb kabobs barbecued by Yossi. Juicy, packed with spices and herbs plus a hint of smoke. Among the best ever and easy for HG to swallow (thanks, Yossi). The sides were outstanding—golden Israeli couscous, Greek yogurt dotted with olive oil, grilled vegetables. Adding flavor and fire to the meal were two condiments created by HG/BSK son Jeremy–a bright red liquid hot sauce, a variation of Frank’s, and a dark green Yemenite “Khrug”, that burns tongue and mouth with masochistic pleasure (group drank Rose’ and moved on to a robust red from the Peele vineyards in Ontario). The meal ended with a green salad from Yossi’s farm/garden (HG had the usual two balls of vanilla ice cream), last sips of red wine–and many hugs and kisses.
Mouse Interruptus
September 3rd, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
Multi talented daughter, Lesley R., was busy last night at the stove–beginning the saute for her beguiling supper pasta when–E-E-E-K!!!—a frisky little grey mouse scampered across her arm. Pandemonium!! Lesley’s husband captured the mouse and gave it a humane death. During the ensuing clean up and excitement, Lesley burnt her sauce and had to start over. So, into the pan went olive oil, zucchini, kalamata olives, cherry tomatoes, feta, corn, garlic and basil. This was mixed with Malfatti pasta (a lovely shape that captured the vegetable sauce). Lesley made HG’s portion extra creamy (and swallowable) by adding labneh and a splash of olive oil (another example of Lesley’s concern for her father). Additions were grated parmesan and aleppo pepper. A happy meal (despite little rodent intrusion). There are now many state of the art mouse traps strategically positioned in the HG/BSK/RIVA oceanfront family home on serene Prince Edward Island.
September 2nd, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
Four–HG/BSK, daughter Lesley R. and her husband “Max” R.–at the dining table last night. There have been as many as ten during the family reunion at the HG/BSK/RIVA oceanfront (great sea views) home on peaceful and gentle Prince Edward Island (Canada’s smallest province). Son Jeremy and his lovely young daughter, Teru, left for Tokyo yesterday (hope they got there safely–southern Japan has been rocked by typhoons). Supper for the PEI four was a delicious corn and shrimp chowder prepared by Lesley. Shrimp were perfectly cooked–tender and juicy–and this isn’t easy in a “chowda” where shrimp often become rubbery. Alas, no Teru to bring HG the usual ice cream dessert. The old guy ended the meal with fruity red wine, peanut brittle and chocolate/peanut squares. Sweet finale.
September 1st, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
Sadness at HG/BSK/RIVA oceanfront home on Prince Edward Island, Canada’s smallest and gentlest province. HG/BSK’s son, Jeremy, and his daughter, Teru, have left PEI and are now mid flight to Tokyo. HG misses his son, a loving and erudite guy who is a great cook and a sparkling presence. And,Teru? The pre-teen young lady is beautiful and graceful, very helpful to HG and each night has served HG an ice cream dessert to climax HG’s supper. Tonight was a farewell meal. Teru had a requested lobster. HG/BSK, daughter, Lesley, and husband, “Max” (Massimo), Jeremy had a lush halibut and corn chowder (“chowda”). HG was wistful as Teru served HG’s traditional dessert. HG will try to stay alive and enjoy another family reunion on PEI.
Best Brandade
August 31st, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
Jeremy, Teru (the Tokyo pre-teen beauty), and BSK went clamming on the south shore of Prince Edward Island (close to Ocean Mist Farm, the home of Noel and Yossi M.–BSK’s sister and brother in law). Using their toes, the clam diggers harvested both cherrystones and little necks. For “supper” last night at the HG/BSK/RIVA oceanfront home on the north shore of PEI, the cherrystones were converted to Clams Casino (shells stuffed with bread crumbs, garlic, olive oil and bacon). They were super. The little necks were steamed with garlic, white wine and cherry tomatoes. However, for HG the star of the supper was Jeremy’s perfectly balanced Salt Cod Brandade with fried sage leaves. Smooth. Echo of the sea. Garlicky. Creamy. HG had numerous helpings with white wine. Thanks, excellent son.
Lesley & Max
August 31st, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
HG/BSK are lucky gourmands. Daughter Lesley R. and son Jeremy are vacationing at the family oceanfront (stirring water views) home on peaceful Prince Edward Island. They are wonderful cooks (as is BSK). So, every “supper” (that’s what they call dinner on PEI) is an extravaganza of culinary pleasure based (for the most part) on local produce. Some years ago, HG would skip lunch. Lesley R. and her husband, Massimo “Max” R. noticed that this left HG dizzy and awkward. They made it their mission to make sure the oldster lunches. Now, HG has tasty midday lunches prepared by them. Today, it was a dish of Jeremy’s hummus, newly picked and boiled PEI potatoes and Greek Yogurt –all flavored with olive oil, sea salt, freshly ground black pepper and a bit of pimenton. The food made HG happily sigh as HG munched. Lesley and Max scored again.
Tasty Jeremy Supper
August 30th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink
Yes, it’s a delight to have a son who can cook. Here, at the BSK//HG/RIVA Prince Edward Island oceanfront home, he delights his family every night with tasty and inventive “suppers” . That’s not all— he always gives pleasure with his wit, literary, political and cultural insights and his jolly exuberance. Jeremy was in charge tonight. Happy time began with salt cod fritters adorned with a lush and spicy sauce. HG had to be restrained. The old guy could have eaten dozens of these best ever fritters. HG has fond memories of salt cod fritters HG ate in Venice and Rome. They were extraordinary but Jeremy’s version topped them. Main dish was reheated chicken and sausage gumbo. This is Jeremy’s signature dish–better than any Cajun and Creole versions. HG ended the meal with ice cream served by beautiful pre-teen Tokyo granddaughter Teru. Tonight Tokyo ruled.