Bad Weather, Great Meal

October 27th, 2018 § 0 comments

HG’s days on PEI are coming to a close. Winds are huffing and puffing but they haven’t demolished HG/BSK’s Prince Edward Island oceanfront home. The sea is a solid froth of whitecaps. Dusting of snow. Very low temperatures due to the wind chill factor. Toby, The Wonder Dog, pokes his nose out the door and instantly retreats. The little fellow is longing for a big helping of New Mexico sun. The antidote for bad weather is good food (and wine). Naturally, BSK rose to the occasion with a lusty, bistro meal. Started with buttered slices of fresh radish dusted with Maldon Sea Salt. (One of Julia Child’s favorite starters). HG dry brined five Ocean Mist Farm (Noel and Yossi M, proprietors) lamb chops. (mix of cumin, sea salt, white pepper, coriander and paprika). Wonder Woman pan grilled the chops to medium rare perfection. Roasted potatoes in the oven with olive oil, rosemary, salt and pepper: Did a stir fry of cherry tomatoes with sliced garlic and olive oil, There was the HG side dish of Greek yogurt with ooive oil, sea salt and white pepper.Wine was McGuigan Cabernet Sauvignon from South Australia. Robust. This good meal was a total improvisation. Wonder Woman BSK just used the last things in the freezer and refrigerator. Farewell to PEI in the morning.

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