Joy and Sorrow

September 4th, 2017 § 0 comments

Yes, life in the United States is grim with a Hitler clone as President. But, here on Prince Edward Island, Canada, life is serene, democracy reigns, diversity is celebrated, homophobia is met with disdain, And, Der Trumperer is abominated. HG/BSK (plus plentiful family members and friends) have joyous summer months at HG/BSK’s oceanfront paradise. A big plus: PEI is foodie heaven. Witness last night’s dinner, happily consumed as a brilliant sunset illuminated the sea and skies. Sweet corn season (hurrah!!) so BSK cooked six ears of unsurpassed Blum’s sweet corn picked hours ago. Slathered with butter and dusted with sea salt, this is a seasonal treasure. Main dish was a platter of sautéed local sea scallops on a bed of lightly dressed butter lettuce. BSK has a magic touch with scallops (as with many other things) so the dish could rightfully be described as a masterwork. O, Canada !!

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