Mouse Interruptus

September 3rd, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

Multi talented daughter, Lesley R., was busy last night at the stove–beginning the saute for her beguiling supper pasta when–E-E-E-K!!!—a frisky little grey mouse scampered across her arm. Pandemonium!! Lesley’s husband captured the mouse and gave it a humane death. During the ensuing clean up and excitement, Lesley burnt her sauce and had to start over. So, into the pan went olive oil, zucchini, kalamata olives, cherry tomatoes, feta, corn, garlic and basil. This was mixed with Malfatti pasta (a lovely shape that captured the vegetable sauce). Lesley made HG’s portion extra creamy (and swallowable) by adding labneh and a splash of olive oil (another example of Lesley’s concern for her father). Additions were grated parmesan and aleppo pepper. A happy meal (despite little rodent intrusion). There are now many state of the art mouse traps strategically positioned in the HG/BSK/RIVA oceanfront family home on serene Prince Edward Island. 


September 2nd, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

Four–HG/BSK, daughter Lesley R. and her husband “Max” R.–at the dining table last night. There have been as many as ten during the family reunion at the HG/BSK/RIVA oceanfront (great sea views) home on peaceful and gentle Prince Edward Island (Canada’s smallest province). Son Jeremy and his lovely young daughter, Teru, left for Tokyo yesterday (hope they got there safely–southern Japan has been rocked by typhoons).  Supper for the PEI four was a delicious corn and shrimp chowder prepared by Lesley. Shrimp were perfectly cooked–tender and juicy–and this isn’t easy in a “chowda” where shrimp often become rubbery.  Alas, no Teru to bring HG the usual ice cream dessert. The old guy ended the meal with fruity red wine, peanut brittle and chocolate/peanut squares. Sweet finale.


September 1st, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

Sadness at HG/BSK/RIVA oceanfront home on Prince Edward Island, Canada’s smallest and gentlest province. HG/BSK’s son, Jeremy, and his daughter, Teru, have left PEI and are now mid flight to Tokyo. HG misses his son, a loving and erudite guy who is a great cook and a sparkling presence. And,Teru? The pre-teen young lady is beautiful and graceful, very helpful to HG and each night has served HG an ice cream dessert to climax HG’s supper. Tonight was a farewell meal. Teru had a requested lobster. HG/BSK, daughter, Lesley, and husband, “Max” (Massimo), Jeremy had a lush halibut and corn chowder (“chowda”).  HG was wistful as Teru served HG’s traditional dessert. HG will try to stay alive and enjoy another family reunion on PEI. 

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