SJ Super Supper–TWO

August 21st, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

HG/BSK,daughter Lesley and her husband, Massimo, are having a happy reunion with son Jeremy and Teru, his beautiful pre-teen daughter. The rest of the Tokyo family (Maiko Sakamoto; tall and husky son, Haru; Kyoko Sakamoto, Maiko’s Mom) are back in that city and missing Prince Edward Island and the happy times all shared at the HG/BSK/RIVA oceanfront home. Jeremy and Teru will be on PEI until the end of the month. Joy. Among the pleasures are Teru’s dessert service for HG (last night it was strudel and ice cream) and Jeremy’s talented cooking. Supper was a Jeremy extravaganza–a North African vegetable stew (sweet potatoes,parsnips,zucchini, onions, garlic,etc. served on a bed of quinoa and enhanced by hot sauce) and spicy and juicy chicken. Jeremy marinated the chicken in a picante  and flavorful marinade. He roasted the bird in the oven and gave it a crisping in a hot cast iron pan. The chicken was spectacular—among the best HG ever tasted. And, the veggie stew was the perfect companion (as was the generous pouring of Pinot Noir).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

SJ Supper–ONE

August 19th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

Son Jeremy was the cook for two nights (the group–daughter Lesley R. and husband Massimo R.; pre-teen Teru; HG/BSK –was lucky because SJ has culinary skills he has honed–with wife Maiko Sakamoto– at their Tokyo izakaya, Freeman Shokudo). Night one: Lots of corn kernels left over from previous “suppers”at the HG/BSK/RIVA oceanfront home on Prince Edward Island. SJ mixed abundant kernels with softly cooked grits, added spicy sauce and tender shrimp. The result was a delicious, original version of shrimp and grits. It was followed by a green salad and small, mineral rich PEI potatoes. Helpful Teru brought HG the old guy’s nightly dessert–two generous scoops of vanilla ice cream. Pleasant “supper” at the end of a warm day.


Back To Tokyo

August 18th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

The visiting Tokyo family–Maiko Sakamoto (son Jeremy’s wife and business partner in their Tokyo Brooklyn Barbecue izakaya, Freeman Shokudo), their grown up son, Haru;  Maiko’s Mom, Kyoko Sakamoto, flew back to Tokyo this morning (6:38 AM). Son Jeremy drove them to the airport. Jeremy, his beautiful pre-teen daughter, Teru; gifted daughter, Lesley R., her husband, Massimo R., will be with HG/BSK at the HG/BSK/RIVA Prince Edward Island oceanfront home until the end of the month so there will be six for “supper” every night). This was the first visit to PEI by Kyoko Sakamoto, a warm and gracious woman. She enjoyed every aspect of PEI and was an affectionate companion for Toby, The Wonder Dog, and Pip, the intelligent female dog. In addition, Kyoko hosted the farewell dinner of lobsters, buttered and salted corn on the cob and small potatoes from Ocean Mist Farm, the home/equestrian center where BSK’s sister, Noel M. and husband, Yossi, live near the south shore of PEI. HG/BSK will miss the Tokyo contingent and HG hopes (fingers crossed) to be alive for a reunion on PEI in 2025. HG will miss Haru very much—an intelligent, sensitive young man with the ability to take beautiful photographs of PEI’s sea and skies. He has been very attentive to the old guy’s needs and his attentions have prevented spills and falls. (and sweet Teru brings HG dessert ice cream every night). So sorry that HG’s ailments and handicaps prevent HG from visiting Tokyo and eating Freeman Shokudo’s fabled pastrami.

Fabulous Fish Tacos

August 18th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

Gifted daughter Lesley R. (with collaboration from HG/BSK son Jeremy) crafted a sensational fish taco dinner (supper)  last night. Perfectly broiled haddock enlivened with a host of herbs, spices plus chopped  scallions, tomatoes and parsley was tucked into gently heated corn tortillas. On the table there was pico de gallo, corn salad, cole slaw, sliced radishes, fiery pickles and a host of hot sauces. There was also a tasty mayonnaise based  sauce for non-spicy nibbles. Cold beer was the appropriate drink. These tacos were better than the fish tacos served in heralded Mexican eateries. Yes, the home team was the winner in the fish taco sweepstakes.

Corn Chowder

August 16th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

HG often has written about HG’s affection for chowder (“Chowda” as it’s pronounced in New England and  Prince Edward Island–the site of the HG/BSK/RIVA oceanfront home). HG’s favorite chowder is the Rhode Island version—clear, briny and no flour or cream and minimal potatoes. BSK’s corn chowder, served for “supper” last night, is a different species–a main dish and not a soup. It is thick, lusty, filling and comforting. It is composed of abundant in-season sweet corn kernels, broth, milk, onions, garlic, parsley, chopped fennel, Aleppo pepper and pimenton. BSK adds sea scallops for a taste of the sea. There were some leftover corn kernels so son Jeremy made spectacular corn fritters and maple syrup for breakfast. Sweet corn is a kiss from Mother Earth. 


August 15th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

BSK was a pesto pioneer. BSK made this savory sauce long before it became fashionable (it’s now in every supermarket ). The origin is Genovese and BSK always balanced the classic components accurately: olive oil, garlic, pignolia nuts, Parmesan and basil. Some yesteryear dinner guests expressed concern: “Green spaghetti?”  BSK often makes a creative varieties of the classic pesto sauce on Prince Edward Island ( the site of the HG/BSK/RIVA oceanfront home). Last night BSK used garlic scapes, walnuts, parsley, olive oil, spinach, Parmesan, salt and pepper. The lusty sauce was mixed with linguini, yellow beans, potatoes and cherry tomatoes —a happy “supper” (dinner on PEI). Locavore eating at the end of a warm and sunny day.

Fried Chicken

August 14th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

When HG was a senior at CCNY (1950), HG was one of a select group that acted as counselors and basketball coaches for violent (“bopping”) youth gangs in Harlem. HG’s mission was to show young Black men that there were constructive paths to follow –education for one–rather than wounding or killing rival gang members in “turf” battles. Another part of HG’s mission was to channel youthful energies into athletics–namely basketball– where  HG’s coaching was augmented by participation of CCNY basketball star Sonny Jameson (HG encountered Sonny again in New York –1963–he had become a high school principal). So, in 1950 HG spent much time in Harlem where HG enjoyed neighborhood food. The principal treat was pan fried chicken sided by mac and cheese and collard greens. (Smothered pork chops were another yummy one). During HG/BSK’s 61 years of marriage, talented cook BSK has prepared a vast number of chicken dishes–preferring healthier chicken over meat. But, no fried chicken. So, it was a very special occasion last night at HG/BSK/RIVA’s Prince Edward Island’s oceanfront home. Son Jeremy prepared a true Harlem “down home” meal of fried chicken, stewed beet greens, mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. Fabulous eating. The greaseless chicken had a crisp, spicy crust and juicy interior–better than the Harlem fried yardbirds HG ate many decades ago. (Don’t know if Jeremy and wife, Maiko Sakamoto, will put them on the menu of Freeman Shokudo, the Tokyo izakaya they own and run). Jeremy has done much cooking during his (and family) vacation/reunion on PEI. Much to everyone’s pleasure, Jeremy is a culinary talent. HG is sad that distance prevents HG from eating Freeman Shokudo’s  (better than NYC Katz’s) superlative pastrami.

Inventive Supper

August 12th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

Had a pleasant supper (that’s what they call dinner on Prince Edward Island where family life is enjoyed at the HG/BSK/RIVA oceanfront home). Son Jeremy made a lusty and lush tomato-based seafood stew It was savory and satisfying with juicy shrimp, potatoes, chunks of hake, tomatoes, sweet corn kernels; onions, garlic and an abundance of herbs and spices. SJ made a rouille sauce with roast red peppers, mayonnaise, and spices to add to the stew (HG would have been happy to eat a gallon of the stew and added sauce) The second part of the meal was a classic:  Slices of roasted yellow beets topped with goat cheese, walnuts and BSK’s vinaigrette. Sumptuous—and refreshing. The happy group drank a lot of white wine and red Pinot Noir. Life’s good.


August 11th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

HG’s daughter, Victoria Freeman, the eminent New York restaurateur (Shuka, Shukette, Cookshop, Vic’s, Rosie’s), left Prince Edward Island this morning afer a happy but too brief reunion with HG/BSK and the Tokyo and Rhode Island family groups. She will be much missed. The farewell dinner (“supper” on PEI) was festive. HG, son Jeremy and other family members drove to Atlantic Shellfish in the Town of Morell. The attractive proprietor, Cindy Dockendorff, awaited with a bag of three dozen oysters (HG had called in advance). Lots of affectionate greetings. Supper began with the oysters expertly shucked. It was an interval of briny delight at HG/BSK/RIVA oceanfront home. Main dish was spaghetti with a sweet corn and smoked scallop sauce–a yummy invention cooked by HG/BSK’s gifted daughter, Lesley R. Outstanding. Goodbye, Vicki–see you in New York. (Oops! all of Vicki”s Saturday flights were canceled. Spent the night at a Charlottetown hotel and successfully flew to New York on a 6AM–Sunday Aug. 11–flight).

Splendid Supper

August 10th, 2024 § 0 comments § permalink

Dinner is called “supper” on Prince Edward Island (where life is enjoyed at the HG/BSK/RIVA oceanfront home), Tonight’s supper was splendid–much enhanced by the pates, smoked mackerel & scallops and cheeses that gifted daughter Lesley R. and her husband, Massimo R., brought back from their recent trip to the francophone Magdalen Islands. The meal began with delicious appetizers (HG was enthralled by the pork pates). This was followed by BSK’s poached halibut in avgolemono soup with rice–lush dish.  MI cheeses (the goat cheese is a treasure) accompanied a big green salad.  Supper finale of buttered and salt sprinkled ears of sweet corn.  Sweet things and ice cream for dessert. Yes, a splendid supper.

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