Sea Scallops. Yum!

December 2nd, 2022 § 0 comments § permalink

HG/BSK are fond of scallops. Their combination of sweet and briny sea flavors is extraordinary. They are tasty raw. Gifted daughter Lesley R. makes a seviche of thin slices of sea scallops flavored with olive oil, lemon juice and a variety of fresh herbs. “Pass that bottle of chilled Muscadet, please !!”. This is a worthy rival of Nantucket Bay scallops. When HG/BSK summered on that isle, a neighbor (native of Nantucket) would scoop up a bucket from the Bay and HG/BSK ate these celestial morsels as fast as he could shuck them. Bliss. Alas the Nantucket season is short and they are rarely found at mainland fish stores. However, very tasty sea scallops are harvested off the shores of Rhode Island “The Ocean State” (where HG/BSK now happily reside). Tony’s Seafood in Providence is first rate. Son-in-law Profesore Massimo R. (brilliant and generous) brought HG/BSK a gift of scallops from there last night. BSK cooked them perfectly and served them with brothy Israeli couscous. These were the best juicy and flavorful sea scallops HG ever tasted (on a par with the excellent sea scallops HG’s son-in-law, the enlightened chef Marc Meyer, cooked for HG at Cookshop Restaurant in New York).

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