Gorgeous Gorgonzola

July 3rd, 2020 § 3 comments

Surprise (a happy one). Prince Edward Island’s Atlantic Superstores in Prince Edward Island offers sublime, perfectly aged gorgonzola cheese–both “dolce” and “picante”– imported from Italy. This is a favorite cheese and HG/BSK use it in a variety of ways. HG likes to climax dinner with gorgonzola spread on crackers with a side of local strawberry jam. Goes nicely with a glass of robust red wine. HG/BSK like to spread the cheese atop a pan-broiled steak or hamburger. BSK adds it to BSK’s sublime cauliflower sauce for pasta. HG adds gorgonzola to softly scrambled eggs. Also, mixes the cheese with melted butter and many grinds of black pepper into a bowl of egg noodles. BSK adds gorgonzola to BSK’s green salads (they taste much like the Roquefort salad that accompanied HG’s rare steaks at New York’s legendary, long closed, Christ Cella steak house). Gorgonzola enhances life.

§ 3 Responses to Gorgeous Gorgonzola"

  • DEAR HG–Surely you are aware that your people, since the day Moses came down from the Mount, have been FORBIDDEN to eat sprinkle or smear gorgonzola on their steak?? Seek forgiveness immediately even if you have to do it by going to Confession in the local Catholic Church! The rabbis may not forgive you, but the priest, infused with Christ’s mercy, surely will forgive you.
    Yes, there are many foods that gorgonzola ennobles, as you have mentioned. But you forgot gorgonzola partnered to a ripe Comice or Bartlett pear with a few sips of sauternes or vin santo.

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