Ortiz Tuna

October 25th, 2018 § 0 comments

Ortiz canned tuna is the best. Imported from Spain, it’s expensive. And, worth it. A large tuna filet in olive oil, this tuna has substance and flavor. HG/BSK use it in many ways. Good as part of a Nicoise salad with tomatoes, sliced onion, hard boiled eggs, anchovies and capers. Garlic aioli on the side. HG likes the tuna mixed with canned white beans, chopped onions, olive oil, sea sat flakes and ground black pepper. HG also likes a chunk of the tuna with Portuguese sardines, olive oil, lemon juice and onion slices. Last night, HG/BSK supped on linguine with BSK’s tuna sauce. BSK mixes the tuna with San Marzano tomatoes, anchovies, capers and chopped onions. Adds the tuna for a few moments of simmering in the sauce (allows the tuna to keep its integrity). HG, a guy who relishes heat, showers the pasta dish with hot red pepper flakes. Viva Ortiz!!!

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