Farewell Feast!

September 1st, 2018 § 2 comments § permalink

All good things, alas, have to end. SJ, Exquisite Maiko, Handsome Haru and Adorable Teru are leaving Prince Edward Island. A few days in Brooklyn and then off to their Tokyo home. Toby, The Wonder Dog, will be sad and missing all the belly rubs, pats and attention. The visit has been wonderful. Much love and laughter. A surprisingly tall and deep-voiced Haru was very helpful and very hungry — he shucked oysters and corn; built shelves, set the table and many other tasks. Teru? Enchanting. A neighbor met her and declared: “This is the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen in my more than 80 years”. True. But, Teru is not only a beaut, she is smart, creative, caring and wonderfully affectionate and loving towards HG. And, of course, EM did her usual spectacular cooking. HG/BSK were dazzled by Japanese cuisine a la EM. Sashimi, tataki, pickled mackerel, congee. tempura, soba in broth, crisp fried fish, home-made gyoza. And, more. Much more. SJ is no slouch in the kitchen. Provided some hearty dishes that hit the spot after long beach days. Farewell dinner was an epic. BSK’s sister, Noel, and husband, Yossi, joined the party bringing with them Yossi’s freshly smoked, moist mackerel. Feasted on all the good things native to Prince Edward Island. Oysters (raw on half shell and grilled on the oven range); steamed mussels; sweet corn; panko crusted hake, wild asparagus, smashed potatoes, salad from BSK’s garden. Dessert was tea and an array of cakes from the Charlottetown Farmers Market. Lots of wine and cold beer. HG managed some pre-dinner vodka and post dinner brandy with Peychaud’s Bitters. Yes, it was jolly meal. But, bittersweet. Tokyo is a long distance from New Mexico and PEI. Oh, well, there’s always Face Time.

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