47th Anniversary Feast

September 3rd, 2017 § 0 comments

HG/BSK joined BSK’s sister, Noel, and brother-in-law, Yossi, at their verdant farm in Gasperaux, PEI, to celebrate their 47th wedding anniversary. Dinner was preceded with a tour of their vegetable garden. Garden isn’t the right word. It is a truck farm. Potatoes, of course. Cucumbers. Zucchini. Corn. Beans. Herbs. Peppers. And more. Fruit trees are adorned with kiwi, plums, cherries. It is a virtual Garden of Eden. And, no serpent. Noel was inspired by her post-graduate university days in Cincinnati. She cooked a big pot of Cincinnati chile for dinner. This relies on Middle East spices as well as the obligatory chile powder. Topped with chopped red onion and cheddar cheese, it was sumptuous. Meal began with sweet corn on the cob. Some of the corn was from their garden (very good) and Blum’s farm stand (superb). A lovely salad of chopped tomatoes and feta cheese was on the table. Meal ended with a dessert of zucchini bread (went nicely with the last of the red wine). BSK noted that BSK and her sister have been married for a collective 101 years. Obviously, the Kent ladies are the ideal wives.

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