How to explain HG’s passionate attachment to vodka? There was a time when HG was the spokesman for Vodka Wyborowa, the superior Polish vodka. HG always had a plentiful (gratis) supply available. Those were the days (1959-1963) when Russian cavIar was cheap. (Caviarteria was HG’s source). Buttered toast (Pepperidge Farm thin sliced white toast) topped with a big spoonful of Beluga. (No lemon or other useless condiments.) Vodka Wyborowa from the freezer. Ah!!!! HG’s vodka love can be traced back to HG’s Belorussian ancestry (HG’s ancestors distilled vodka as part of their mill operations.). Strangely, HG never saw his beloved father, Hershele Zvi Freimann, ever drink vodka. His alcoholic indulgences were Park & Tilford rye whiskey, home brewed cherry brandy (Vishniak), and Slivovitz (fiery plum brandy). Unlike his son, Hershele had a happy time but never got drunk.
December 21st, 2016 § 1 comment
As HG well knows, I yield to nobody when it comes to admiration for his mastery of the culinary and imbibing p[leasures. But, as my beloved father used to say, “There is always an exception that ennobles the rule.” In the case the exception is the ignoble vodka predilection. HG has fallen down, down, down, in this matter. When I smell vodka, all I can think it is good for is to dab cotton into it, put the cotton in a jar, and then go catch butterflies. Needless to say, once put in the jar, their beautiful wings become still, They do a plotz. They were murdered by vodka fumes. Remember that toxicity of vodka, HG, next time you are tempted,.