Comfort Food And Memories

November 11th, 2016 § 3 comments

HG/BSK’s dear friend, the late Michael Small (very much missed) introduced us to Delsomma Restaurant on New York’s W. 47th Street (long closed and also missed). Michael was a talented composer and pianist and had wide ranging erudition (plus he was very amusing). You’ve heard Michael’s music since he composed the scores of numerous movies and television shows. HG/BSK dined with Michael and his wife, Lynn, after the premiere of “Marathon Man” (Michael composed the score for the movie which starred Dustin Hoffman and Laurence Olivier). And, it was at that dinner that HG/BSK first tasted penne with broccoli sauce. Since then it has become one of BSK’s signature dishes. It’s a “go to” dinner when HG/BSK need comfort. Best of all, BSK makes enough for dinner two nights in a row. BSK cooks the penne very al dente for first night. Reheats beautifully (penne softens) in the microwave for second night. One of BSK’s original riffs is to shower the bowls at table with cubes of mozzarella and fresh tomato. HG gilds the bowl with Sicilian olive oil. BSK opts for grated parmigiano. At each of the meals, HG/BSK raise their glasses of pinot noir and drink a toast to the memory of Michael Small.


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§ 3 Responses to Comfort Food And Memories"

  • Lynn small says:

    What a night! He is forever alive and laughing in our hearts. And boy did he like to eat! Love you both. xxxxs,

  • What a touching tribute. I loved that score!!! Does BSK share her recipes? In return I would be pleased to share my recipe for Caldo Talpeno (a chicken caldillo with avocado, garbanzo, chiles, chipotles and spices). Regards, Alicia

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